Remember Phil Schneider’s Last Lecture of 1995

To view the lecture, click on,

(118) Phil Schneider – November 1995 (Full Video) – YouTube

Brief Intro

Phil Schneider worked 17 years for the United States government as a geologist and aerospace engineer as well as structural engineer.  He co-invented methods of shape charge blasting as well as laser rock deflagration, which means rock is literally melted or powered by a special mazer laser combination and, the residue of the rock underneath is applied as a liquid coating kind of like instant agate if you could imagine a hunk of agate which is a hard silica mineral rock actually.

Phil states, “It is because of the horrendous structure of the federal government that I feel directly imperiled not to tell anybody about this material. How long I will be able to do this is anybody’s guess. However, I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main topics. Each of these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in, whether you are patriots or not.  I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more than 70 countries, and I cannot remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the magnificence of its people, like these United States.”

Ginex: Below are key points from Phil’s lecture that should be known by citizens of the United States.  Phil was murdered on January 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck.  An article titled, Shadow Government Murders of Space Aliens and Humans lists many deaths and may be viewed on

Key Points by Phil Schneider

The 1954 Grenada Treaty

The treaty had the participation of President Dwight Eisenhower.  Initially, aliens intended to exchange technology and explore the makeup of human beings and cattle.  Accurate books were supposed to be kept but of course, all that broke down.  Phil’s experience with the captured aliens in Area 51 led him to believe that aliens were greater liars than humans are.

About 100,000 Children and 1 million Adults Disappear Every Year

Current FBI and Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA statistics indicate about 100,000 children and 1 million adults disappear every year.  Phil believes these are not kidnappings or murders or rapes or suicides or anything totally unaccounted for.  This is an alarming statistic.  Could this be the efforts of a joint Shadow Government and alien partnership (a Ginex thought).

Underground Secret Bases and Prison Camps in the United States

Secret black budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year.

Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States.  They’re (covert CIA) building two prison camps every seven months and building underground military bases every year.  They cost somewhere between 17 and 26 billion dollars.  They employ 1,800 to 10,000 workers, each in varying grades of skill and gobble up over ¼ of the black budget, or roughly 310 billion dollars. Very few people know about it, but the black-budget garners over 500 billion dollars a year. These kinds of high quantities and sums of money are garnered through CIA drug activity and National Security Agency clandestine operations.

The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. The military have laser drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day.  Many bases go down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.  The tunnels are built at a rate of seven miles a day and are 28 feet wide, 28 feet high.

These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound at sea level at about 1,535 mph).

The 1979 Alien and Military Firefight

Phil was involved in 1979 in a firefight with alien humanoids, and was one of the survivors. Two other survivors are under close guard in Canada. Phil is the only one left that knew the detailed files of the secret CIA operation. Sixty-six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that firefight.   Phil learned that alien humanoids had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years.

Secret Military Technology

For every calendar year that transpires, military technology increases about 44.5 years.  Basically, military technology right now is about 1,200 years more advanced and public state technology, computer technology right now it’s off the scale.  Phil indicated that the covert military have employed in black jet and stealth aircraft computers are so completely advanced we couldn’t get them in the public sector for maybe another 40 or 50 years.

Schneider’s Worries About Government Factions, Railroad Cars and Shackle Contracts

Phil was very worried about the activity of the federal government. They have lied to the public, stonewalled senators, and have refused to tell the truth in regard to alien matters.  Underground, the federal government has built 107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles.  There are 11 subcontractors. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is probably the number of people who disagree with the federal government.

Our present structure of government is a “technocracy”, not democracy, and it is a form of feudalism.

Underground Slave Labor Camps

There are a 131 underground slave labor camps.  Phil believes they’re most likely been planned as underground camps and slave labor factories for the New World Order.  He believes the New World Order and the United Nations is taking its orders from, believe it or not, more powerful alien space entities.  Phil believes we might call them the sinister forces of large and small greys.

New World Order Agenda

Phil Schneider was asked if there is an alien agenda to the New World Order?  His answer was an affirmative, “Yes sir, 100%.”  There is an agenda to the New World Order and they’re taking their orders directly from the aliens.  Phil believes they’ve got (the aliens) their own timetable and want the One World Order because they want the planet for themselves.

AIDS as a Bioweapon Based on Alien Excretions

Phil indicated that aliens don’t eat us like a cannibal eating a of hunk meat but they use our glandular secretions as part of their food.  Blood are glandular secretions like adrenal chrome and other cuts.  Phil believes it might be where these new designer diseases evolved, like the aids and Ebola and hantavirus and other kinds of things that have come up out of nowhere.  Phil said that there has been a group of sinister plots to produce biological weaponry to reduce or thin out the so-called ethnic cleanser of the population of the planet by 5/6 or roughly 5 of 6 billion people, enslaving the rest to work willy-nilly with the so-called people, the New World Order.

Phil Advocates the New World Order be Exposed

Phil earnestly stated, “To expose the New World Order, use public opinion.  It is only going to do that.  It’s going to take millions of us, but we have to be informed and to do that we have to be doing what we’re doing now.  Gathering and talking, and of course, most of us are adults and can weed out fact from fiction.  Most of us know the difference between fact and fiction, and how to use it and how to abuse it.  So, we therefore have to continue to keep studying and keep talking.  I’ve given over 30 talks in the United States, Canada, England and Japan.”

America’s Black Program Contractors

Phil has some interesting 1993 figures. There are 29 prototype stealth aircraft presently.  The budget from the U.S. Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6 million. The black budget is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years. A trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons. The U.S. Congress never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of gold.  Contractors of stealth programs: EG&G, Westinghouse, McDonnell Douglas, Morrison- Knudson, Wackenhut Security Systems, Boeing Aerospace, Lorimar Aerospace, Aerospacial in France, Mitsubishi Industries, Rider Trucks, Bechtel, *I.G. Farben*, plus a host of hundreds more. Is this what we are supposed to be living up to as freedom- loving people?

Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat

Phil believes about 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget. Some might ask what the “space shuttle” is “shuttling”. Large ingots of special metals are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them.

Phil believes the Star Wars program solely acts as a buffer to prevent alien attack – it has nothing to do with the “cold war”.

Thoughts on the Bombings in the United States

Phil was hired to do a report on the World Trade Center bombing. He found that the concrete was puddled and melted. “The steel and the rebar were literally extruded up to six feet longer than its original length. There is only one weapon that can do that – a small nuclear weapon. That’s a construction-type nuclear device.  Obviously, when to say it was a nitrate explosive that did the damage, it is a 100% lie, folks”.

Phil believes the Contract With America is a last ditch effort by our federal government to tear away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Some Statistics on the Black Helicopter Presence

At present, there are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United States. For every hour that goes by, there is one being built. Phil believes this is an improper use of our money. What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us. Phil doubts if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide and doubt’s if all the world needs that many.

Phil reported that, “There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging radar. They can see you walking from room to room when they fly over your house. They see objects in the house from the air with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles. That’s how accurate that is.”

New World Order

Phil believes our federal government is slowly being phased out by the United Nations government as well as the new world in quote, the New World Order, which is an even a higher entity.  So, the government (covert CIA) has made itself an entity, an independent taxing body, an entity in itself and does, isn’t accountable to anybody, not even the so-called New World Order.

Government Earthquake Device

The federal government (covert CIA) has now invented an earthquake device. “I am a geologist, and I know what I am talking about. With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulse-wave as in a normal earthquake. None. In 1989, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse-wave with that one either. It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes.


I only knew Paul slightly, but from what I know, he is giving it straight. Its’ time we all make a stand and tell those miserable bastards we sent to Congress, that the time is now, for them to save this country from within. Make Congress force the military and the black budget into the open. We have to collectively drive that element out of our government, or face the consequences. To those who value their miserable lives, and feel that if being quiet will always save you, you’re wrong.— Col. Wilson

Nicholas Ginex Press Releases and Article Links

For easy access to educational books and important articles, the following Press Releases and Internet links are listed.

PR: Legacy of a Father, The Evolution of God from the Past Into the Future

PR: AMEN, The Beginning of the Creation of God

PR: Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe

PR: Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind


Provide History of Religion and God:

TRUTH of the 2020 Election Fraud Shall Prevail!

Mike Lindell Election Irregularities: 

Mike Lindell 9-0 Absolute Proof of Election Fraud:

Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology: Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology –

Actual evidence of election fraud:





Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology

All Americans and people around the world must expose the Shadow Government and demand disclosure of Alien technology.  Who controls the “Shadow Government” and why is disclosure of Alien technology of utmost importance?  But first, what do we mean by a Shadow Government?

The Shadow, aka Hidden Government. 

Definition: The shadow government is a surreptitious organization initiated soon after the 1947 Roswell alien crash and has assumed political control of the United States Government, its military forces, and all media outlets to manipulate the American people with disinformation of its undercover UFO development activities.  This control is managed by top-secret operatives that are not publicly elected.  For the past seven decades, this surreptitious organization has acquired control of the Military Industrial Complex and has imposed tremendous leverage in the news media, world politics, finance, and international conflicts.  It controls a vast undercover of media and electronic capability used to manipulate the public and election outcomes.

Past and Present CIA-FBI Undercover Activities

Definite proof exists that the shadow government is controlled and run by top-secret CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives that first secured power soon after the 1947 alien Roswell crash.  They have spent untold billions of dollars in the development of the Area 51 underground facilities to back-engineer UFO technology and investigate the biological makeup of survived aliens.  To acquire the technical expertise to study and duplicate UFO capabilities, the shadow government contracted top engineering, scientific, biological, and construction companies, which make up the Military Industrial Complex.  In 1987, Bill Moyers in a PBS video revealed that the CIA is a super-secret, self-financing, self-perpetuating organization.  He provides a detailed documentary, The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

The PBS documentary reveals just how extensive the CIA controls America’s democratic government and is responsible for millions of innocent deaths in many countries.

To defunct the notion that the shadow government is a conspiracy theory but instead, an actual reality, the reader may view the multiple murders committed by the CIA and FBI to silence anybody who had knowledge of Area 51 activities.  For a small list of murders committed by the CIA-FBI to silence public knowledge of UFO unacknowledged programs go to:

This list validates that U.S. government entities such as the CIA, FBI and DoD is responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, top military officers, and personnel that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed anti-gravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs.  Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by the powerful surreptitious organization, aka, the hidden or shadow government.  The latest murder of Mark McCandlish, illustrator of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle, has an article dedicated to him on the link below:

The Shadow Government Corrupted the 2020 Presidential Election

Since the Roswell crash, top-secret CIA-FBI agencies have insidiously and effectively obtained control of all social, scientific, and national news media to propagate disinformation and misleading propaganda about UFOs.  Through seven decades, much of the propaganda was to deny the existence of UFOs and promote the idea that ETs are a threat to earth in order to attain continued billions for their undercover-unauthorized top-secret programs.  This control has become so pervasive that the undercover CIA-FBI operatives have corrupted the national news, TV, and Internet social platforms to influence and actively impact the 2020 Presidential Election.  Scientific proof exists that the greatest election fraud in United States history had to be coordinated by the Shadow government.  Positive evidence is amply documented by Mike Lindell on and

The Shadow Government Initiated and Terminated the Russian Hoax

The Russian impeachment hoax that began in March of 2016 was a distraction hoisted on the American people throughout the presidency of Donald Trump.  This hoax was fabricated by CIA officials that operated openly with the creation of an unsubstantiated dossier.  The impeachment trial ended March 2019 and Trump was found innocent.  However, all CIA officials involved were never indicted for the lies and deceit they perpetrated with the fake dossier.   John Durham, a U.S. Attorney who investigated the origins of the FBI’s Russia collusion investigation was to release a report that involved many CIA operatives soon after the 2020 presidential election.  This never happened; it becomes clear that the CIA terminated release of the report to the public.

The Shadow Government Has Corrupted Three Branches of Government

The shadow government CIA-FBI operatives have coordinated the greatest coup in U.S. history by setting up the Russian hoax to remove President Trump from office.  But the next show of subversive power was the CIA-FBI reach into the judicial system of the United States.  The Supreme Court did not accept the responsibility to adjudicate several cases of election fraud that the Democrat and Republican parties were unable to resolve.  This was not only a failure of the Supreme Court to resolve a national issue between two parties, it was a disgrace that reveals they did not have the integrity to honor their given mandate to provide justice for the American people.  But was there an undercurrent of fear that further riots would ensue if they were to deliver a verdict?

The inaction by the Supreme Court elicited a wake-up comment by attorney Sidney Powell.  “The Supreme Court’s failure to date to address the massive election fraud and multiple constitutional violations that wrought a coup of the presidency of the greatest country in world history completes the implosion of each of our three branches of government into the rubble of a sinkhole of corruption.”

The above allegation by Sidney Powell should enlighten Americans to know that liberty and justice for and by the people has not only been compromised, it is impotent due to the judicial fears materialized by the CIA and FBI.

Shadow Government Amnesty for Disclosure of UFO-ET Technology

All people and leaders in all countries must demand UFO-ET Technology Disclosure.  In return, amnesty can be given to shadow government operatives for the murders committed since the Roswell UFO crash.  It would be wise for shadow government operatives to acknowledge that disclosure will ultimately cause infusion of ET technologies into all of America’s machines on land, sea and air.  The benefit world-wide would achieve for humanity a new future with peace and prosperity.  But will the CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives be willing to give up the power they now so arrogantly possess for their own selfish goals?  Disclosure of ET-UFO technologies will improve for all people their quality of life and open a frontier into outer space where they may meet and enjoy the intellect of other beings.  The benefits of disclosure are presented on:

Communication and U.S. Government Leaders Can Achieve Disclosure

Only by world-wide communication can the insidious, shadow government and their CIA-FBI agencies relent and provide full UFO-ET technology disclosure.  The American people must be proactive to voice their dismay of being misinformed and programmed to be slaves of the shadow government. People must broadcast the anguished cry of a man  made a fool by lies and disinformation that denigrates objective news and perverts the ideas and opinions of our culture, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going take this anymore!” (MGM’s movie, Network)

Too long, seven decades, the shadow government has surreptitiously controlled the destiny of the United States without any acknowledgement and consent by the American people.

One Last Word

If the CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives are unwilling to provide disclosure with the benefit of amnesty, then the U.S. President, Commander of all U.S. Military Forces with support of the American people, must mobilize the armed forces to take over all operations within the Pentagon and top-secret military facilities.  All technical data and company patents that were developed with multibillions of taxpayer dollars must be confiscated for use by legitimate development companies.  There is no reason why the Commander-In-Chief of the Military cannot take such action unless, the CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives are truly the acting government within the so-called Democratic Government that supposedly is represented by and for the people.

Will Americans be strong and resolute to fight for the freedoms provided by our forefathers?  They are.  Nobody likes to be made a fool of.  Certainly, seven decades that Americans have been made into fools is long enough.  The time is now to stand up and vocalize that their freedoms and way of life must be under their control and that includes honest voting systems throughout America.  The CIA-FBI surreptitiously had control of the 2020 fraudulent presidential election whereby an unpopular and mentally deficient man became president of the United States.  Today, Americans are beginning to see the stupidity of the new president permitting open borders that not only causes the downfall of U.S. sovereignty but deprives all Americans of the prosperity and leadership they once had with President Trump.

If the news media loves America and the well-being of its people, they would inform them by also printing this article.  Comments are welcomed via:

Human and Extraterrestrial Communication


After the Roswell UFO crash of 1947, President Truman authorized the military to conduct a top-secret operation to investigate the Extraterrestrial beings retrieved.  Within one decade, a consortium of U.S. military and large aerospace corporations, referred to as the military-industrial complex, developed with the knowledge of ET beings the use of zero-point energy and antigravity technology.

Today, the U.S. military is able to dominate earth’s outer space with Intergalactic Flying Object (IFO) technology.  However, it is also clear that the military has operated as a shadow government unaccountable to every U.S. President by not sharing their IFO and ET discoveries.  It is known that the IFO ET technologies developed by the military-industrial complex offers very powerful technological advances that can increase the quality of life for all people on earth.  By using zero-point technology, poverty and food shortages can be eliminated and, by no longer needing bio and nuclear fuels the earth will no longer be subject to pollution of our earth and all its life forms.

If the military-industrial complex discloses IFO technology developed over the past 73 years, will the American people, and people around the world, be ready for the dramatic changes that will affect their lives?  The economies of every country will be impacted by new production capabilities, which will require an intellectual rebirth of our educational and religious institutions.

Presently, Humans are Not Ready for Intergalactic Travel.

There is an opportunity for humans to travel to intergalactic space and meet Extraterrestrial beings from other worlds.  But are humans ready to meet ETs who are thousands and perhaps millions of years ahead intellectually and technologically?  When we witness every day, the mass killing of people with different religious beliefs and witness the millions of people who suffer from poverty and lack of food it becomes clear that we, the human race, have not learned to solve problems that can eliminate religious differences, poverty and war.

How can ETs accept human beings that have not learned to live peacefully among themselves?  We are a threat to ETs as we still let our arrogance, bigotry, greed for power and wealth, and hatred towards each other dominate.  Our educational and religious institutions, around the world, have failed to teach integrity, an attribute that is based upon sincerity and truth.  Even our Media have found it easy to lie about events and distort facts because of political differences.  Our colleges and universities poison our young minds with tainted political views by reinterpreting historic events.  The President of the United States is ridiculed and disrespected with indecent names even though he has rescued our economy by increasing jobs and raised the incomes of blacks and other minorities. Unfortunately, humans do not appear to be ready in two or three decades for intergalactic travel.

What Must be Done for Humans to be Accepted by Extraterrestrials.

First, the President of the U.S. needs to provide Amnesty to all members of the military-industrial complex in order for them to disclose all IFO technology for public use.  A commission of scientists, engineers, corporate managers, business entrepreneurs, builders and city planners must study and plan for ways to employ IFO technology in all spheres of job production, such as manufacturing, agriculture, infrastructure and transportation.  This planning will take at least five to ten years to design and develop technology that employs zero-point energy.  New ways of building homes, growing agricultural products, increasing production of factories, and inventing new ways of land and air travel can become a reality.  The benefits will be the utilization of manpower and creation of jobs that will accomplish the building of new cities and modes of transportation.

Develop and Implement Zero-point Energy in All Countries.

The planning to turn our way of life into the era of zero-point energy will need to incorporate its new technological advances in countries around the world.  Leaders from every country will understand that by employing IFO technologies their people will be relieved from poverty, jobs will open up, and opportunities for development of their people intellectually and morally can be achieved.  However, there are fundamental problems that must be resolved, institutions that shape our lives intellectually, spiritually, and morally must be revised and restructured. 

A Religious Rebirth is Needed to Advance Humans for the Intergalactic Age.

Every country is influenced by the parental, religious, and educational upbringing given to their people.  Countries become intellectually and morally advanced depending on the quality of religious and educational instruction given to their people.  If such instruction lacked emphasis on truth based upon substantiated facts, and does not emphasize respect for people of different ethnic backgrounds, then the nation’s people will fail to attain mental objectivity and minimizes its chances to become an advanced world power.  The analogy is similar to the failure of students to make successful, objective decisions and choices if poorly instructed by parental, religious and educational instructors.

Revamp the Root of the Problem that Shapes Integrity.

The root of the problem begins with religious instruction received by parents for they are most intimately involved in raising their children with a foundation of moral rules that builds the attributes of character and integrity.  This means that the birth of our religious institutions needs to be evaluated to understand why and how they became a fundamental part of any civilization.   Such evaluation begs to be studied because it is clear that it is the clash of different religious beliefs that is responsible for bigotry, hatred, terrorism, and the murder of millions of innocent people worldwide.

All religions have developed because the leaders found that discipline of their people depended upon a sound moral upbringing.  Of the many religions, history reveals that the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic religions developed from the religious beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians.  It was as early as 2600 BCE that the Egyptian priesthood documented the belief in a creator God called Atum.  To illustrate how mankind envisioned one universal God that came to be known as Amen, Figure 1 from the novel, AMEN, the Beginning of the Creation of God is provided.

Figure 1 illustrates that it was the Egyptian priesthood that developed the concept of one God, heaven upon leading a righteous life, and a Son of God, namely the pharaoh.  I leave the reader to carefully examine the figure for it reveals Scripture evolved and changed over thousands of years.  Finally, it was Jesus Christ in John’s Revelation that Amen was proclaimed as the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.  This one-universal God has been emulated in the Judaic, Christian and Islamic religions.  Unfortunately, this God is worshipped with different beliefs that has caused division among the believers of God.

Religious beliefs in one God have become so divergent that terrorism and the deaths of millions of people has occurred over thousands of years.  In their quest for power and greed, Islamic leaders have corrupted the attributes of truth and morality by using their religion to acquire wealth from other countries.  Since the inception of Islam by the prophet Muhammad and his death in 632 CE, Islamic armies conquered many lands to become an Islamic Empire by 750 CE.  Muslims conquered the Byzantine and Persian empires, and along the Mediterranean, captured Christian lands as far west as Spain. They conquered all of North Africa, which included Egypt and its east coast down to the island Madagascar.  This conquest extended further east to the northern half of India.  As with all conquered countries, Muslim leaders not only obtained the wealth of other countries, but they received ransom from their captives to live or kill them for not accepting Allah in accordance with the Qur’an.  This conquest has infiltrated into the Western part of Europe and is causing the economies and way of life in many countries to be destroyed.  An objective presentation of how Islam became a world power and why Islamic religious leaders use the Qur’an to indoctrinate the minds of their people, is provided as a Free Read on the link,

It informs people around the world of a manmade cancer that may lead to the destruction of many more lives and possibly our earth.

Islamic Religious Leaders Must Revise the Qur’an.

Leaders around the world appear to be ignorant of knowing that Iran’s religious ideology is used to acquire the wealth and resources of other countries.  The Qur’an is an ideal Scripture to indoctrinate people as early as several weeks of birth.  Indoctrination is so insidious and effective that even the brightest Muslim minds are unable to objectively scrutinize the Qur’an and object to its many abominable verses.  Such verses instilled into the minds of followers cause them to become fanatics to kill innocent people in the name of their God Allah. 

People on earth will not be welcomed by Extraterrestrials as long as religious Islamic leaders continue to use the Qur’an in their quest to conquer the land of other countries and acquire their wealth.  The Qur’an (9:33) clearly states Allah’s objective to have Islam prevail over all other religions.  This is a false objective NOT by the Islamic God Allah but arrogant religious leaders who have written many  Qur’an verses.  It is evident that if the religion of Islam is not revised to advocate the greatest command given by a man of God – love one another, terror and countless more deaths of innocent lives will be inevitable.  To avoid the looming possibility of a Third World War due to a clash of religious ideologies, the United States and other progressive countries that are beginning to make zero-point energy a reality must offer Islamic leaders the benefits of employing this new energy to solve their economic problems.  This must include the stipulation that their Scripture advocate the great command – love one another.  

A whole new view of God needs to be understood for it becomes obvious that God did not create man in His own image but has created life throughout the universe so that someday His creations may discover His greatness.

To extend one’s spiritual beliefs to respect all life throughout the universe requires an overwhelming effort and it will take perhaps more than one or two decades but several generations.  But this depends upon the perceptiveness and compassion of religious leaders to understand that it is not their religion that must be preserved, it is the further development of human beings morally, spiritually and intellectually.  Which leader of the Democratic, Republican and Liberal Party will be courageous enough to advocate the disclosure and development of zero-point energy to resolve poverty, decrease pollution of our environment, increase our quality of life, and provide for the greatest opportunity to enter the era of interstellar galactic travel?

That leader will be a man or woman of God who places love of humanity above the selfishness and greed of the military industrial complex entrenched in the establishment that desires to maintain the status quo by obtaining power and wealth from oil wells, continued sale of weapons of destruction, and control Americans by distorting history and indoctrinating their minds with fake news. Truly, this leader will be a person destined to do great works as revealed by Jesus Christ in John 14:12:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.

This is a wonderful statement whereby Jesus makes it known that greater works shall be done by those who believe in him because he must go to his Father.  That belief is summed up with just three words – love one another.  Such love will be demonstrated by a political leader that loves humanity and preserve the beauty of our earth.

Educators Need to Provide History of God and Religion.

As a start to employ a broad understanding of the birth of religious beliefs and why they are essential for the development of mankind a paper published by the Clute Institute should be read.  It was noticed by ERIC (Education Resource and Information Center) and placed on the Internet.  ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.  The paper can be accessed by clicking the following link:

It offers a wealth of historical information on the development of Egypt’s civilization and reveals how Egyptian beliefs were emulated by other groups of people to develop the major religions of today; namely, the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions.  The psychological aspect to live peacefully with people of different religious beliefs must be instilled in the minds of human beings as zero-point energy is developed and implemented.

As the paper abstract indicates, there is a need for high school, college, and university educators to introduce their students to a history of mankind’s development of religions and beliefs in God.  People need to understand the need and why instruction in morality is essential to the well-being of their nation and its citizens.  By providing people with a greater understanding of the nature of man it can: energize political and religious leaders to utilize the solution of zero-point energy, increase love of humanity, and be able to welcome visitors from outer space.

The Challenge for Humans to Join Intergalactic Life.

On January 23, 2009, Dr. Steven Greer wrote on behalf of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a letter to President Obama.  He indicated the need for the military-industrial complex to disclose top-secret IFO technology by writing:

“Because of this misguided secrecy, the wondrous new sciences related to advanced energy generation, propulsion and transportation have been withheld from the people. These advances include the generation of limitless clean energy from the so-called zero-point energy field and quantum vacuum flux field from the space around us, and propulsion that has been termed (incorrectly) anti-gravity. The field of electromagnetic energy that is teeming all around us and which is embedded within the fabric of space/time can easily run all of the energy needs of the Earth – without pollution, oil, gas, coal, centralized utilities or nuclear power.”

Ten years later, the military-industrial complex has not relinquished IFO (UFO) technology nor revealed their interaction with Extraterrestrials.  What may be an unforeseen danger is that the creation of a Military Space Force by President Trump will entrench military-industrial complex officials giving them even greater power to act as a shadow government uncontrolled by Congressional and Presidential oversight.

The quandary still exists as to when will our President demand disclosure of IFO technology.  The American people are educated enough to accept intelligent beings from other worlds.  But will the greedy and powerful status quo of the establishment and military-industrial complex dominate and control the destiny of mankind?  This can be stopped quickly if all people write to their political leaders and demand disclosure of IFO technology.  It is foolish to tolerate being kept hostage from experiencing a new age of intergalactic experiences.  Those of you who want to increase our quality of life, meet Extraterrestrials and welcome an intergalactic era, please write to your political Congressmen and our President.  Your effort to write a letter supporting disclosure of IFO technology will make a difference.  The link to the White House is provided in the author’s letter below to President Trump.           

Thank you,

Nicholas Ginex

UFO Letter to President Trump – 2019

Nicholas Ginex, a perceptive author dedicated to improving mankind’s development morally, intellectually and spiritually, has written President Trump of the need to address a subject that the American people has been misinformed about since the UFO Roswell crash in 1947.   Misinformation, lying, intimidation, and murder was committed by the military and high-tech companies who colluded together, under top secret programs, to back-engineer UFO technology developed by Extraterrestrials.  Ginex foresees a danger in the use of advanced galactic weapons that may kill millions of people and pollute our earth; but also, the military may unwisely initiate a self-destructive war with Extraterrestrials from outer space.  This must be avoided by forcing the military industrial complex to disclose UFO Extraterrestrial technology for transparent use by U.S. companies whereby they can employ its use for the benefit of people here and around the globe.  The Ginex letter to President Trump is presented below.

UFO Letter to President Trump

The White House
President Donald J. Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500                                                    

                                                                                    January 27, 2019

Dear President Trump,

I will be brief and to the point about a humanitarian crisis that began in 1947 and must, over the next two decades, be solved to prepare the American people to enter a new era that will increase their quality of life and save our planet. 

The humanitarian crisis has been created by the industrial military complex, a shadow government, that desires to maintain power militarily over your administration and continue to control the world by using the Media to infect the American people with disinformation about UFOs, Extraterrestrials, and political issues. 

Many Americans, and people around the world are aware of the existence of UFOs and ETs.  Since 1947 the American people have been lied to and fed disinformation so that the industrial military complex can continue to obtain billions of dollars to back engineer UFOs.  Today, they have been able to develop and make space aircraft that are able to use zero-point energy and antigravity to achieve spacecraft capabilities.  

Mr. President, I learned you have already been apprised of the covert UFO ET projects by Dr. Steven M. Greer.  At this point in life, your administration has got to take control of the shadow government run by the industrial military complex. Their ownership of destructive nuclear power and high levels of technology derived from Extraterrestrial technology can be a danger to our people and other countries without complete control by the U.S. Government, namely, the Congress, Senate, you and your associates. 

The Internet link below provides an understanding of the problem and recommended solutions.  Please read it.  As our leader, we are confident that you have the courage, intellect, and compassion to resolve the problems created by the industrial military complex.

In one to two decades, will we be ready to embrace Extraterrestrial beings that have evolved thousands of years ahead of ours and join a new era of galactic contact in the universe?

(Paragraph below was not included in the e-mail letter to President Trump)

Please insure you are well protected from military and corporate leaders that prefer to maintain the status quo and prevent Americans, and people around the world, a quality of life that can be had when UFO ET technology is available for use in all countries.

Nicholas Ginex, a U.S. Patriot – End of UFO letter.

A World Movement for Zero-Point Energy.

The UFO letter to President Trump is but one voice that supports Dr. Steven M. Greer’s life-chosen effort to improve the quality of life for all people and enter a new era of interplanetary travel.  The challenge to overcome the status quo of government, religious organizations, and the military-industrial complex may take more than one or two decades.  But it can be facilitated by the millions of people world-wide who are aware of the need for disclosure of zero-point energy and the benefits that can be attained for mankind.  They can help initiate disclosure and change for humanity by writing President Donald J. Trump using the link below.

A Request for all Readers of this Article.

A guesstimate of the number of people who can actively support Dr. Greer’s cause, revealed that of a total of 27 Dr. Greer videos, a total of 13,752, 995 views have accumulated as of January 31, 2019.  If the same viewer watched 4 different videos, it is estimated that as many as 3 and a half million people are intimately involved in learning about ET and UFO phenomenon.  Readers of this article and the millions of Dr. Greer YouTube viewers are requested to write to President Trump.  For cohesive impact of your letter effort, it is recommended that your letter use the same title, UFO letter to President Trump – 2019.  You may duplicate any portion of Ginex’s letter or provide your own thoughts.

Thank you for supporting a humanitarian effort that will take years to advance all people to learn to love one another and together, eliminate poverty and enter the new era of space travel. The wonders of the universe will be highly enlightening as we come to enjoy other beings in the universe.

Nicholas P. Ginex

Disclose ET UFO Technology for Humanity

People worldwide must demand all UFO space travel technology, developed covertly by the military industrial complex, be relinquished to improve their quality of life and preserve our planet from eventual destruction.  It is imperative that all technologies start to employ zero-point energy to achieve low cost energy without the use of bio fuels that are presently polluting the earth.  The benefits will allow people, around the world, to no longer endure poverty, lack of food, and gain leisure time to grow intellectually and morally.  This demand must be initiated by all people to gain control from a shadow government that overseers the the military industrial complex and surreptitiously controls the Congressional, Senate, and Executive branches of the United States Government.

To energize your interest, a read of this article may motivate you into action.  However, if you are a reader new to the subject of Extraterrestrials and UFOs, it is recommended that you read the two articles provided below. 

Understanding the Extraterrestrial Mind

Alien Extraterrestrial Culture, History & Beliefs

Due to the length of this article, a list of the subtopics is provided below in order to highlight their importance and are not neglected.

Paul Hellyer Video with Jim Sparks.

Jesse Ventura Interview with Dr. Steven M. Greer.

Define the Problem

 Solve the Problem

Ginex Letter to President Trump

Dr. Steven M. Greer Letter to Trump and Putin


Paul Hellyer Video with Jim Sparks.

On a YouTube video,, Paul Hellyer, a former, highly respected Canadian defense minister provided an interesting story given to him by Jim Sparks who has written The Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race.  Jim claims to be an UFO abductee that has had a long-term relationship with intelligent ETs who call themselves The Keepers. These phenomenal beings have conquered death and live for thousands of years retaining their youthfulness and vigor. According to the Keepers, this isn’t the first-time humans have gotten to this critical point (in our history) and have self-destructed, but there is a good chance we can evolve this time and avoid self-destruction.  Sparks outlines the exact steps advised by the Keepers of how humanity can save the Earth, save itself as a species, and join the galactic neighborhood.



What do the Keepers want us to know? 

Hellyer read a most poignant part of Jim Sparks book, which Jim relates a meeting between himself and an ET.

ET: Yes, it’s true there are some things you need to understand.  Yes, its true that we have been in contact with your government and heads of power and it’s also true that agreements have been made and kept secret from your people.  It is also true that in the past some of your people have lost their lives or have been badly hurt to protect the secret; our hands had no part in this.  We contacted your leaders because your planet is in grave trouble.  Your leaders said the vast majority of your population wasn’t ready for anything like us yet so we made time agreements with your leaders as to when your people would be made aware of our presence.  This part of the agreement has not at all been kept.  It was also agreed that in the meantime steps would be taken to correct the environmental condition of your planet with our advice and technology.  We say advice because we respect the fact that this is your planet not ours.  They also broke this agreement. 

Jim: I felt an awful wave of emotion from them; the feeling of abandonment.  To feel any emotion from them at all was amazing but this was quite overwhelming.  You aren’t going to give up on us are you I asked?  There was a long silent pause.  I received the transmitted feeling of tremendous loss.  Well are you, I asked? 

ET: No.

Jim:  I felt an immediate sense of relief straight from my own emotion.  Then the extraterrestrials carried on.

ET:  Your air, your water are contaminated.  Your forests, jungles, trees, and planet life are dying.  There are several breaks in your food chain.  You have an overwhelming amount of nuclear and biological weapons, which include nuclear and biological contamination.  Your planet is over populated.  Warning: it is almost the point of being too late unless your people act.  There are better ways of deriving energy and food needs without causing your planet any damage.  Those in power are aware of this and have the capability of putting these methods into worldwide use. 

Hellyer: And let this digest a moment. 

Jim: I definitely had the feeling that these creatures were speaking as one.  Then I asked why aren’t we doing that now?  Silence.  I was willing to wait I’d come a long way to be treated like this by them to have this kind of a meeting.  Apparently, I had earned their respect and trust.  The best part was that I was getting at direct, truthful answers to my questions. I decided that I would melt this rare situation to its fullest, asking as many questions as I could get away with even personal questions.  I repeated my question.  In the answer, this is the extraterrestrials:

ET:  Those in power view it as a military and security threat.  

Jim:  That upset me.  You mean to tell me the people in power have the ability to save them and better the planet and they aren’t doing it. 

ET: Amnesty.

Jim:  What do you mean?

ET:  Complete amnesty to those in power, governments and leaders who have been suppressing the truth.  They can’t be held liable for their past wrong deeds.  It is the only way these leaders can come forward with the truth.  It is necessary that you do this in order to work together and survive. 

Hellyer:  Jim goes on to confirm what has been said here this afternoon or this morning that because the agreement has been broken they are working through individuals like us, like every person here in this room, to try and get the message out in the hope that we will take their warning seriously and then somehow it will be able to transmit the urgency to our leaders and to get them to act before it’s too late.  

Jesse Ventura Interview with Dr. Steven M. Greer

In an interview with Jesse Ventura on December 29, 2019, Dr. Greer indicated to Jesse that covert, top secret UFO ET projects have been run illegally since 1947 up to and including lying to the President and top military brass at the Pentagon.  He even briefed the CIA director, Bill Clinton’s first CIA director, James Woolsey.  Both Woolsey and the President were completely deceived on the subject even though Dr. Greer had documentation from over 850 retired military personnel that took part in UFO ET operations.  When they made direct inquiry into disclosing such operations, they were basically told to jump off a cliff.  Dr. Greer further said to Ventura that there are some operations going on that are really dangerously secretive.

Such a response by military leaders to lie to James Woolsey and the President is amazing, an affront to the chain of command.  How can the President be told he can’t know about something that is top secret and deals with the national security and safety of the American people?  It is evident that the military industrial complex operates as a shadow government and are an enormous threat to our democracy.  

Will top secret UFO ET projects continue to be under control of the military industrial complex with the new Space Force authorized by President Trump on June 18, 2018?  This is a significant question because it is the Air Force that has largely been conducting covert UFO ET projects and it will be the U.S. Air Force Space Command to oversee all new Space Force activities.  One may presume that it is very likely that many deceitful military leaders of the military industrial complex will be in the new Space Force Command.  Does President Trump know who are the military leaders that have, since 1947, conducted covert UFO back engineering and communicated with Extraterrestrials into specific agreements?  All undercover UFO ET operations, including new Space Force efforts must be disclosed to the President, Congress, and the American people!

Define the Problem

It is clear that a problem has been created by the military industrial complex.  They maintain power militarily to intimate the U.S. government and, with the wealth of large corporations, they control views of the public by using the Media to disseminate false information about UFOs, ETs and political issues.  How do we, the American people, get a shadow government, controlled by the military industrial complex, to relinquished UFO ET technology for the benefit of humanity?  To effectively solve the problem, we must first understand the problem.

The Problem Exists On a Military and Industrial Level

The two main parts of the military industrial complex are the military, which includes the U.S. Army, Navy, and Airforce; and the industrial, which consists of high-tech and aircraft corporations, such as Boeing, Northrop Grumman Corporation (absorbed Grumman Aerospace), Raytheon (absorbed Hughes Aircraft), McDonnell Douglas Aircraft, and Lockheed Martin Corporation.  The industrial complex includes many other commercial corporations that develop bio fuels (oil, gas, coal) used for autos, planes, production facilities and manufacture of wartime weapons.  But also, large corporations that manufacture drugs and pharmaceuticals used to cure and extend human life would be concerned that Extraterrestrial knowledge would eliminate many deaths and diseases and thereby cut down their profits.  With the use of zero-energy technology, many sectors of the technological and medical fields would be impacted, reducing the creation of corporate wealth with present production capabilities.

The Problem Exists Psychologically

The religious organizations, together with the military industrial complex financing the American Media, presently control the minds of people by respectively causing religious divisions and disseminating disinformation.  These are areas that should have been addressed by intelligent leaders when we first encountered UFOs and ETs.  But instead of introducing new visitors from another planet, military men and religious leaders suppressed knowledge of UFOs and ETs because they feared Americans were not capable of accepting change.  This is a problem that must immediately come under control by educated and morally driven journalists and teachers at all levels of our educational system from grade school to our highest universities.

The Truth Will Set Us Free.

To solve the psychological problems, our religious and educational institutions have got to instruct people with a factual history of mankind’s development of religions and beliefs in God.  People of all faiths have got to be educated about the interrelationships of their religious beliefs so that with understanding they can accept the differences that, up to the present, have created bigotry, hatred and violence.  Our educational and religious institutions have got to teach the principles of truth and honesty, which are the foundations of integrity.  A paper hosted on the Internet by ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) and now resides on the Iran Politics Club website below provides an objective History of God and Religion.  It serves as a fine example for educators to reveal factual truths to students, which are essential to eliminate ignorance and instill moral integrity in all people.

There is an urgent need for a drastic change in our Media, be it news, TV, movies, magazines and articles, to have all Americans, and the world, realize that there are real possibilities for change by intelligent inventors that can assist in making the technological changes from a bio fuel paradigm to an energy-free world.

The changes will not occur overnight but can within one to two decades.  Education that surfaces the truth about UFOs and ETs is the answer.  Education with honest Media reporting promotes integrity and allows people to make sound choices and decisions.  This can be achieved by instilling learning with the great command given by a man of God – love one another.   

Solve the Problem

All Americans, and people around the world, have got to realize that a solution can be achieved in all countries by all of us demanding and forcing our leaders to assure the following initiatives: 

Disclose UFO Technology

Write to your state leaders, assemble, and make known that you want the President of the U.S. to revamp and reorganize all UFO ET projects so that complete disclosure of all technological developments will no longer be kept secret.  This means that all corporations that have participated in top secret developments are to release all patents they secured to maintain control of technology that were developed with billions of U.S. tax dollars.  Yes, such corporations may continue to use UFO ET technology but for the betterment of humanity.  It will increase production as the cost of energy becomes minimal with zero-point energy and new technologies will emerge. It will increase the quality of life for all people as UFO ET knowledge is utilized by countries worldwide.  Our lives and our planet can benefit from zero-point technology when people from all countries work together.  The reward will be a path to the wonders of the universe.

Promote Public ET Communication

As part of the campaign to have all Americans accept our Extraterrestrial visitors, the Media and educational institutions have got to promote an understanding of these beings.  As presented in the article identified below,,

humans can benefit from the knowledge ETs have acquired over many thousands of years.  We can learn of their culture, philosophical and/or spiritual beliefs, and if they bring up their young with values of truth and integrity.  It will be a great opportunity to learn about the beginnings of our universe.

Actively Engage Your Local Representative and Our President

In closing, a half page letter for local, state leaders and our President is provided below.   Your participation is needed.  One blade of grass in the wind will be of no avail.  Together, we, the people throughout the earth, need to save our lives and our planet for millions of years into the future.

UFO Letter to President Trump

The White House
President Donald J. Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20550

                                                                              January 27, 2019

Dear President Trump

I will be brief and to the point about a humanitarian crisis that began in 1947 and must, over the next two decades, be solved to prepare the American people to enter a new era that will increase their quality of life and save our planet. 

A humanitarian crisis has been created by the military industrial complex, a shadow government, that desires to maintain power militarily over your administration and continue to control the world by using the Media to infect the American people with disinformation about UFOs, Extraterrestrials, and political issues. 

Many Americans, and people around the world are aware of the existence of UFOs and ETs.  Since 1947 the American people have been lied to and fed disinformation so that the military industrial complex can continue to obtain billions of dollars to back engineer UFOs.  Today, they have been able to develop and make spacecraft that are able to use zero-point energy and antigravity to match UFO space travel capabilities.  

Mr. President, I learned you have already been apprised of the covert UFO ET projects by Dr. Steven M. Greer.  At this point in life, your administration has got to take control of the shadow government run by the military industrial complex. Their ownership of destructive nuclear power and high levels of technology derived from Extraterrestrial technology can be a danger to our people and other countries without complete control by the U.S. Government, namely, the Congress, Senate, you and your associates. 

The Internet link below provides an understanding of the problem and recommended solutions.  Please read it.  As our leader, we are confident that you have the courage, intellect, and compassion to resolve the problems created by the military industrial complex.

In one to two decades, will we be ready to embrace Extraterrestrial beings that have evolved thousands of years ahead of ours and join a new era of galactic contact in the universe?

(The paragraph below was not included in the e-mail letter to President Trump)

Please insure you are well protected from military and corporate leaders that prefer to maintain the status quo and prevent Americans, and people around the world, a quality of life that can be had when UFO ET technology is disclosed and made available for use in all countries.

Nicholas Ginex, a U.S. Patriot   – End of UFO letter

A World Movement for Zero-Point Energy.

The UFO letter to President Trump is but one voice that supports Dr. Steven M. Greer’s life-chosen effort to improve the quality of life for all people and enter a new era of interplanetary travel.  The challenge to overcome the status quo of government, religious organizations, and the military-industrial complex may take more than one or two decades.  But it can be facilitated by the millions of people world-wide who are aware of the need for disclosure of zero-point energy and the benefits that can be attained for mankind.  They can help initiate disclosure and change for humanity by writing President Donald J. Trump using the link below.

A Request for all Readers of this Article.

Readers of this article and the millions of Dr. Greer YouTube viewers are requested to write to President Trump.  For cohesive impact of your letter effort, it is recommended that your letter use the same title, UFO letter to President Trump – 2019.  You may duplicate any portion of Ginex’s letter or provide your own thoughts.

Thank you for supporting a humanitarian effort that will take years to advance all people to learn to love one another and together, eliminate poverty and enter the new era of space travel. The wonders of the universe will be highly enlightening as we come to enjoy other beings in the universe.

Below is the appeal Dr. Greer made to both President Trump and President Putin. 

Dr. Steven M. Greer Letter to Trump and Putin

My fellow Americans/ My fellow Russians/ And all the citizens of Earth:

It has come to our attention that Extraterrestrial Civilizations of great technological advancement have been visiting the earth for some time.

While their presence likely dates from very ancient times, the modern era since WW II has seen a large increase in sightings and interactions with these advanced life forms and their spacecraft.

It must be emphasized that they appear to pose no threat to humanity or earth, but instead are quite concerned about our own unchecked war-making capabilities and violence, combined with our early attempts at the exploration of space.

Since the dawn of the nuclear era, these extraterrestrial civilizations have made concerted efforts to do reconnaissance at all known space and nuclear facilities.  In some cases, these facilities have been penetrated by ET craft and our nuclear missiles rendered inoperable. Such incursions appear designed to warn us not to use these world-destroying nuclear weapons and are not acts of hostility.

They also appear concerned with the rapid decay of our biosphere and environment and the extinction of many species on earth.

Since World War II there have been extremely secretive programs studying the energy, communication and propulsion systems of these ET spacecraft.

It is time for us to disclose these momentous scientific findings to you.

These technologies have the potential – if used only for peaceful purposes – to give us a new and sustainable civilization on earth, free of poverty and pollution within a generation.

However, if used for destructive and violent purposes these same technologies could end our civilization.

For this and other reasons, the strictest secrecy has surrounded the study of these extraterrestrial technologies.

But the time has arrived for the truth to be known: we are not alone in the universe.

And it is time for humanity to become a mature, peaceful civilization and take its place in the cosmos with other advanced peoples from other star systems.

To this end, I call on the world community, other world leaders and all the people of earth to come together and begin this new era on earth.

We must make open, peaceful contact and initiate diplomatic ties to these other worlds. We must do this as children of earth and not just one nation. All nations and people of earth must be represented and empowered in this process.

We must commit to keeping all weapons out of space and going only into space for peaceful purposes that benefit all of humanity.

We must bring forth these advanced energy and propulsion technologies so that the world’s environment and people benefit.  We must all agree to never allow these new technologies to be used as weapons of war.

And we must commit amongst ourselves that if any nation or group attempts to use these technologies for violent or destructive purposes, every nation and people on earth will rise up to immediately stop it.

We face a choice: If we do nothing, our environment and civilization will degrade and we may face extinction.  If we use this new knowledge and science for war and destruction we will also surely perish.

But if we establish a world of peace, humanity can now advance as a civilization that is sustainable, just, and worthy of exploring the universe.

This is the singular and great challenge of our generation: to establish world peace, and to create a new sustainable civilization.

Once we have achieved this foundation of peace and justice, we have learned that these other worlds will welcome us in the cosmos with open arms and hearts.

So, my fellow citizens of earth, let us work together to achieve the destiny of humanity:

An enlightened, peaceful world that joins her place among the other people of the cosmos.

For this is the only possible good future for humanity.

It is time for us to unite as a people and create that good future – NOW.

Dr. Steven M. Greer


As stated above, the solution requires the ability to control two components of the military industrial complex that have betrayed the American people: one- military leaders that control the organized covert UFO ET projects, and two- the industrial complex of large corporations that participated and facilitated in back engineering UFO capabilities.  The objectives of the military industrial complex are to retain such knowledge from humanity and continue the status quo of obtaining wealth and control at the expense of entering a new era that can serve to raise the quality of life for all people and save our planet from eventual destruction.

All people must become aware of the immensity of the problem created by the military industrial complex and of the psychological and technological solutions presented.  Success for the solutions proposed will require AMNESTY for all military leaders and corporate personnel involved with UFO ET activities.  The deceitfulness needed to conduct covert UFO ET projects required the murder and intimation of many military and corporate personnel.  The military was culpable for many murders, such as an ET shot and killed in 1978 at Fort Dix according to Major George Filer III and, it has been reported that even President Kennedy was killed because covert military leaders believed he was going to disclose UFO ET operations to the public. 

With Amnesty, men and women in corporations and military operations that actively facilitated and worked on UFO ET projects will be able to come forward and disclosure of all scientific and engineering knowledge will be obtained.  That knowledge must be given back to the American people to enable intelligent, compassionate, and perceptive people to properly plan and develop UFO ET technology for peaceful means and thereby enrich the lives of all humans.

In one to two decades, will we be ready to embrace Extraterrestrial beings that have evolved thousands of years ahead of ours and join a new era of galactic contact in the universe?

Nicholas P. Ginex