Remember Phil Schneider’s Last Lecture of 1995

To view the lecture, click on,

(118) Phil Schneider – November 1995 (Full Video) – YouTube

Brief Intro

Phil Schneider worked 17 years for the United States government as a geologist and aerospace engineer as well as structural engineer.  He co-invented methods of shape charge blasting as well as laser rock deflagration, which means rock is literally melted or powered by a special mazer laser combination and, the residue of the rock underneath is applied as a liquid coating kind of like instant agate if you could imagine a hunk of agate which is a hard silica mineral rock actually.

Phil states, “It is because of the horrendous structure of the federal government that I feel directly imperiled not to tell anybody about this material. How long I will be able to do this is anybody’s guess. However, I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main topics. Each of these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in, whether you are patriots or not.  I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more than 70 countries, and I cannot remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the magnificence of its people, like these United States.”

Ginex: Below are key points from Phil’s lecture that should be known by citizens of the United States.  Phil was murdered on January 17, 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck.  An article titled, Shadow Government Murders of Space Aliens and Humans lists many deaths and may be viewed on

Key Points by Phil Schneider

The 1954 Grenada Treaty

The treaty had the participation of President Dwight Eisenhower.  Initially, aliens intended to exchange technology and explore the makeup of human beings and cattle.  Accurate books were supposed to be kept but of course, all that broke down.  Phil’s experience with the captured aliens in Area 51 led him to believe that aliens were greater liars than humans are.

About 100,000 Children and 1 million Adults Disappear Every Year

Current FBI and Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA statistics indicate about 100,000 children and 1 million adults disappear every year.  Phil believes these are not kidnappings or murders or rapes or suicides or anything totally unaccounted for.  This is an alarming statistic.  Could this be the efforts of a joint Shadow Government and alien partnership (a Ginex thought).

Underground Secret Bases and Prison Camps in the United States

Secret black budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year.

Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States.  They’re (covert CIA) building two prison camps every seven months and building underground military bases every year.  They cost somewhere between 17 and 26 billion dollars.  They employ 1,800 to 10,000 workers, each in varying grades of skill and gobble up over ¼ of the black budget, or roughly 310 billion dollars. Very few people know about it, but the black-budget garners over 500 billion dollars a year. These kinds of high quantities and sums of money are garnered through CIA drug activity and National Security Agency clandestine operations.

The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. The military have laser drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day.  Many bases go down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.  The tunnels are built at a rate of seven miles a day and are 28 feet wide, 28 feet high.

These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound at sea level at about 1,535 mph).

The 1979 Alien and Military Firefight

Phil was involved in 1979 in a firefight with alien humanoids, and was one of the survivors. Two other survivors are under close guard in Canada. Phil is the only one left that knew the detailed files of the secret CIA operation. Sixty-six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that firefight.   Phil learned that alien humanoids had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years.

Secret Military Technology

For every calendar year that transpires, military technology increases about 44.5 years.  Basically, military technology right now is about 1,200 years more advanced and public state technology, computer technology right now it’s off the scale.  Phil indicated that the covert military have employed in black jet and stealth aircraft computers are so completely advanced we couldn’t get them in the public sector for maybe another 40 or 50 years.

Schneider’s Worries About Government Factions, Railroad Cars and Shackle Contracts

Phil was very worried about the activity of the federal government. They have lied to the public, stonewalled senators, and have refused to tell the truth in regard to alien matters.  Underground, the federal government has built 107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles.  There are 11 subcontractors. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is probably the number of people who disagree with the federal government.

Our present structure of government is a “technocracy”, not democracy, and it is a form of feudalism.

Underground Slave Labor Camps

There are a 131 underground slave labor camps.  Phil believes they’re most likely been planned as underground camps and slave labor factories for the New World Order.  He believes the New World Order and the United Nations is taking its orders from, believe it or not, more powerful alien space entities.  Phil believes we might call them the sinister forces of large and small greys.

New World Order Agenda

Phil Schneider was asked if there is an alien agenda to the New World Order?  His answer was an affirmative, “Yes sir, 100%.”  There is an agenda to the New World Order and they’re taking their orders directly from the aliens.  Phil believes they’ve got (the aliens) their own timetable and want the One World Order because they want the planet for themselves.

AIDS as a Bioweapon Based on Alien Excretions

Phil indicated that aliens don’t eat us like a cannibal eating a of hunk meat but they use our glandular secretions as part of their food.  Blood are glandular secretions like adrenal chrome and other cuts.  Phil believes it might be where these new designer diseases evolved, like the aids and Ebola and hantavirus and other kinds of things that have come up out of nowhere.  Phil said that there has been a group of sinister plots to produce biological weaponry to reduce or thin out the so-called ethnic cleanser of the population of the planet by 5/6 or roughly 5 of 6 billion people, enslaving the rest to work willy-nilly with the so-called people, the New World Order.

Phil Advocates the New World Order be Exposed

Phil earnestly stated, “To expose the New World Order, use public opinion.  It is only going to do that.  It’s going to take millions of us, but we have to be informed and to do that we have to be doing what we’re doing now.  Gathering and talking, and of course, most of us are adults and can weed out fact from fiction.  Most of us know the difference between fact and fiction, and how to use it and how to abuse it.  So, we therefore have to continue to keep studying and keep talking.  I’ve given over 30 talks in the United States, Canada, England and Japan.”

America’s Black Program Contractors

Phil has some interesting 1993 figures. There are 29 prototype stealth aircraft presently.  The budget from the U.S. Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6 million. The black budget is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years. A trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons. The U.S. Congress never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of gold.  Contractors of stealth programs: EG&G, Westinghouse, McDonnell Douglas, Morrison- Knudson, Wackenhut Security Systems, Boeing Aerospace, Lorimar Aerospace, Aerospacial in France, Mitsubishi Industries, Rider Trucks, Bechtel, *I.G. Farben*, plus a host of hundreds more. Is this what we are supposed to be living up to as freedom- loving people?

Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat

Phil believes about 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget. Some might ask what the “space shuttle” is “shuttling”. Large ingots of special metals are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them.

Phil believes the Star Wars program solely acts as a buffer to prevent alien attack – it has nothing to do with the “cold war”.

Thoughts on the Bombings in the United States

Phil was hired to do a report on the World Trade Center bombing. He found that the concrete was puddled and melted. “The steel and the rebar were literally extruded up to six feet longer than its original length. There is only one weapon that can do that – a small nuclear weapon. That’s a construction-type nuclear device.  Obviously, when to say it was a nitrate explosive that did the damage, it is a 100% lie, folks”.

Phil believes the Contract With America is a last ditch effort by our federal government to tear away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Some Statistics on the Black Helicopter Presence

At present, there are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United States. For every hour that goes by, there is one being built. Phil believes this is an improper use of our money. What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us. Phil doubts if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide and doubt’s if all the world needs that many.

Phil reported that, “There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging radar. They can see you walking from room to room when they fly over your house. They see objects in the house from the air with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles. That’s how accurate that is.”

New World Order

Phil believes our federal government is slowly being phased out by the United Nations government as well as the new world in quote, the New World Order, which is an even a higher entity.  So, the government (covert CIA) has made itself an entity, an independent taxing body, an entity in itself and does, isn’t accountable to anybody, not even the so-called New World Order.

Government Earthquake Device

The federal government (covert CIA) has now invented an earthquake device. “I am a geologist, and I know what I am talking about. With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulse-wave as in a normal earthquake. None. In 1989, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse-wave with that one either. It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes.


I only knew Paul slightly, but from what I know, he is giving it straight. Its’ time we all make a stand and tell those miserable bastards we sent to Congress, that the time is now, for them to save this country from within. Make Congress force the military and the black budget into the open. We have to collectively drive that element out of our government, or face the consequences. To those who value their miserable lives, and feel that if being quiet will always save you, you’re wrong.— Col. Wilson

Shadow Government Murders of Space Aliens and Humans


Attributed by


Dear people in America and around the world, the title of this article may be shocking to many of you, but it was necessary to get your attention and become aware of the greatest threat to all of us.  Many people are unaware that the Shadow Government controls the system of government set down in the U.S. Constitution by our forefathers.

It was shortly after World War II that the CIA was formed under authorization by President Truman to oversee developments around the world that could endanger the solvency of the United States.  The CIA was formed with rich and powerful men in the oil and manufacturing industries; also employed were highly experienced members from the defeated German army who had some knowledge of space travel propulsion.  The CIA recognized early on that alien space travel capability had to be controlled because it employed free energy innovation that would threaten the use of biofuels; one of the greatest sources of wealth to their organization.   The minds of these CIA officials concentrated on power and wealth and also included the mentality of a religious organization, the Vatican, that promotes dogma of the end of life and an eternal life by the Judgment of God.

The intent of this article is to reveal to all good-hearted Americans and people around the world that the Shadow Government is inherently a disgrace and threat to humanity.  The CIA must be reorganized with trusted, honorable people who envision peace and intellectual growth for all humanity.

A Request to Every Reader of this Article.

This author is one voice compared to the thousands and millions of people that can help make a better world.  Hopefully, you will reach out to give others the opportunity to read this article.  Please e-mail this article to your friends, people around the world, your congressmen, and national media.  Can you imagine the profound impact over one, or two more years?   Time will tell if mankind advances to the next stage of our spiritual and mental development.   This author believes in the goodness and integrity of humanity and someday, people will enter the wonders of the universe.

Thank you, Nicholas Ginex.

Note:  This article has several links that may take more than two or three sittings.  A most important link appears at the end of this article.  It is Dr. Greer’s presentation given to the National Press Club on June 12, 2023.  It is highly relevant for he has mobilized the support of lawyer Derek Garcia to head up the Disclosure Project Legal Defense Fund to expose the corruption and crimes committed by the covert CIA over the past seven decades.  This is a must viewable link by all Americans and people around the world.

Why the Shadow Government Must Be Reorganized

There are many infractions against the United States by the covert CIA, an organization that has acquired a massive empire under the name of the Shadow Government.  As a minimum, the following topics substantiate why the Shadow Government leadership must be replaced with people that believe in truth, transparency and integrity; these are essential attributes to govern America.  But first, all readers should know when the CIA was formed and why the Shadow Government must be reorganized to serve the American people by reading,

The Greatest Threat to America Must Be Stopped Now! –

A.  List of Aliens Shot Down

B.  List of humans Silenced or Murdered

C.  The Greatest Election Fraud U.S. History

D.  Dr. Steven Greer Explosive Presentation of June 12, 2023

A.  List of Aliens Shot Down

The alien crashes were not due to poor navigating ability but the indiscriminate actions by U.S. military forces without any provocation.  It must be recognized that the alien UFOs were simply investigating and warning our military that after bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th of 1945, respectively, we are on a dangerous path in the use of nuclear weapons.

Figure 1 presents a partial list of alien crashes downed with Shadow Government military weapons through the period 1947 and 1989.  Many alien bodies were retrieved and those alive were interrogated to advance antigravity and zero-point energy for space travel.   Obtained from,

Figure 1.  List of UFOs Downed by the Shadow Government Military.

It should be noted that there was not one but were several Roswell UFO crashes by the U.S. military using weaponize radar.  Refer to the article in the link below.

July 2, 1947      San Augustin, New Mexico            4 bodies

July 4, 1947      SW of Roswell, New Mexico           ? bodies

July 4, 1947      N of Roswell, New Mexico              ? bodies

July 4, 1947      NW of Roswell, New Mexico          ? bodies

July 4, 1947      53 mi W of Roswell, New Mexico  4 bodies

Feb. 13, 1948    Aztec, New Mexico                        12 bodies

July 7, 1948       Mexico (south of Laredo, Texas)    1 body

1949                   Roswell, New Mexico               1 ET Living

Sept. 10, 1950   Albuquerque, New Mexico           3 bodies

1952                   Spitzenbergen, Norway                 2 bodies

Aug. 14, 1952    Ely, Nevada                                   16 bodies

April 18, 1953   SW Arizona                                  No bodies

May 20, 1953    Kingman, Arizona                            1 body

June 19, 1953    Laredo, Texas                                 4 bodies

July 10, 1953     Johannesburg, South Africa         5 bodies

Oct. 13, 1953     Dutton, Montana                            4 bodies

May 5, 1955       Brighton, England                         4 bodies

July 18, 1955      Carlsbad, New Mexico                 4 bodies

1961                    Timmensdorfer, Germany         12 bodies

June 12, 1962     Holloman AFB, New Mexico       2 bodies

Nov. 10, 1964     Fort Riley, Kansas                         9 bodies

Oct. 27, 1966      NW Arizona                                   1 body

1966-1968           5 Crashes Ohio/Kentucky area   3 bodies                                                                                     disc intact

July 18, 1972      Morocco, Sahara Desert              3 bodies

July 10, 1973      NW Arizona                                   5 bodies

Aug 25, 1974      Chihuahua, Mexico                       ? bodies                                                                                     disc intact

May 12, 1976      Australian Desert                         4 bodies

April 5, 1977       SW Ohio                                       11 bodies

June 22, 1977      NW Arizona                                  5 bodies

Aug 17, 1977       Tobasco, Mexico                           2 bodies

May 1978             Bolivia                                         No bodies

Nov. 1988             Afghanistan                                  7 bodies

May 1989             South Africa                             2 ETs alive

June 1989             South Africa                             2 ETs alive                                                                                      disc intact

July 1989              Siberia                                       9 ETs alive

Of 152 ETs retrieved, 14 were found alive.

It must be emphasized that the alien UFOs were shot down by orders of the CIA Shadow Government even though they posed no threat to any facilities or people on earth.  After reviewing the number of bodies killed or alive, every intelligent citizen needs to not only evaluate if the killings were warranted but also have our government investigate and put to trial those that gave orders to kill nonthreatening aliens.  To use the fabricated reason that no justice is to be ordered by the Supreme Court of the U.S. is nonsense when no destruction on earth was made by the aliens.  The disregard of the U.S. Supreme Court to investigate the murder of space aliens illuminates their lack of control to resolve if justice has been served.  It may also be apparent that the Shadow Government actually controls the U.S. justice system.

The murder of space aliens could be the fear felt by the CIA Shadow Government over loss of wealth and power derived from the continued use of biofuels for all machinery and manufacture around the world.   To eliminate this fear, the new technological capabilities of free space travel using zero-point energy and anti-gravity had to be kept from the American people to ensure continued use of biofuels and their growth of wealth and power.

B.  List of humans Murdered or Silenced

Figure 2 below reveals that the CIA, together with the FBI and Military Industrial Complex (MIC) are responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, journalists and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. Though not complete, this list includes non-military people who were developing anti-gravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs.  Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by the powerful-surreptitious Shadow Government headed by the CIA and carried out by the FBI.

Page 1 of Figure 2 indicates two sources that no longer are available.  Fortunately, the link below validates many of the persons presented in Figure 2.

The list of those murdered does not include hundreds more that had knowledge of Area 51 activities or were omitted because of their high exposure to the American people, such as President John F. Kennedy and the highly popular actress, Marilyn Monroe.  They had knowledge of Area 51 activities and were silenced before being able to discredit the CIA.

In Figure 2, Number 4, the following update is for Mark McCandlish.  He died at age 68 on April 13, 2021 in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head.  He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June.   His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone …

The video below is highly recommended to learn about UFOs and the many witnesses that have first-hand knowledge of the top-secret programs in Area 51.

Figure 2.  List of Humans Died Due to Knowledge of UFOs.

Although Figure 2 provides a partial list of people who have dedicated their lives to either invent space travel techniques or inform us how we may achieve a better world, it is to honor them that this author presents them to you.  We may someday redeem their efforts by replacing the sinister mob of CIA Shadow Government members with people that believe we can achieve a wonderful and peaceful life both on earth and the worlds in outer space.

C.  The Greatest Election Fraud in U.S. History 

It is strange that America, supposedly the greatest nation on earth, has an electoral system that has been infected with dishonesty and severe evidence of fraud.  How is this possible is a question that lingers on the minds of its citizens?  Many may think that our system of government is corrupt due to dishonest politicians.  But to be able to actually change computer tallies nationwide from one candidate to another could not have been done at the politician level.  No, my dear people, it was a coordinated event using highly trained computer experts that were able to switch votes.  This was a coordinated ruse that had to be controlled and managed at a much higher level.  A straightforward conclusion is that such coordination had to be conducted with computer experts in America and foreign countries.  They had the knowledge to access computers in many states and change the tallies from Trump to Biden.

That expertise of dishonest fraud had to have been accomplished behind the scenes by the surreptitious Shadow Government.  They have the knowledge and manpower to conduct such an overwhelming task to manipulate computer outcomes.  In the link below, there are four findings that definitely reveal computer fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.  In spite of the overwhelming evidence, the U.S. Supreme Court would not hear the cases by Trump lawyers with the foolish decision that they had “No Standing.”   This is a clear failure of the courts to provide justice for the greatest process of America – honest, verifiable elections.

From a citizen perspective, did the Supreme Court commit a real instance of dereliction of duty with an inane excuse?  What can the American public deduce or infer by the Supreme Court’s denial?  Is there an undercurrent of fear by the Supreme Court justices that by hearing the legitimate Trump cases there would be havoc and rioting by segments of opposing parties no matter what was the judicial outcomes?  Then again, did the Supreme Court withheld their mandate to resolve the election improprieties because they are controlled by the covert CIA Shadow Government?

The systemic fraud was at first believed to be the work of politicians.  But this is not possible due to the extreme amount of manipulation required to change computer tallies.  The one organization that has the manpower and wealth to conduct such a fraud had to be the covert CIA Shadow Government.  By doing so, they have succeeded in having a somewhat feeble man elected.  By all accounts, President Joe Biden is a puppet of the Democratic Party as verified by his actions to allow millions of immigrants through Texas by ignoring strict rules set by our government.

Worse still, his unwillingness to stop the ever-increasing amounts of fentanyl smuggled into the United States from Mexico (and manufactured in China) has caused thousands of people to be killed.  It has been estimated that 100,306 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States during the 12-month period ending in April 2021.  This was an increase of 28.5% from the 78,056 deaths during the same period the year before. The numbers killed annually may easily approach 200,000 thousand by the end of year 2023.

In the two years Joe Biden has been the U.S. President, he has just about reduced America to be a third world country.  He has allowed unlimited numbers of immigrants into America giving them the option to live in any state and providing funds for shelter, medical, educational and living expenses.  All this wonderful assistance has been given without any care for the millions of homeless people living on the streets of U.S. towns and cities.

What agenda does President Biden serve by taking care of people from other countries without any care for the homeless in America?  It appears that the sole purpose of President Biden is to flood America with immigrants that would increase his chances to win another presidential election.  But could Biden simply be a puppet of the CIA Shadow Government to obtain greater control around the world?  This conclusion is more than logical when computer experts validated the greatest fraud committed in United States. It was a massive case of fraud and had to have been managed by a large well-organized force, namely the surreptitious CIA Shadow (Hidden) Government.

Meanwhile, Biden has not smartly integrated more people into the United States by neglecting his responsibility to increase the number of teachers to make immigrants proficient in our laws and English language.  This inability to understand the disastrous effects on American citizens and disregard of the danger fentanyl has on the youth of America is enormous when Biden neglects to stop its flow with more police at the border of Texas.

But there are other factors in America that President Biden pursues that makes leaders in other countries laugh.  That is the objective to make America pollution free by eliminating biofuels and increasing electric cars over gas and have all homes heated by other means.  While pursuing this agenda, Biden reveals a contradiction by selling American oil reserves to other countries.  Electric cars require batteries and the country that has the minerals for this product is China.  Does Biden have an agreement with China that would ultimately place America in a dire financial position by replacing biofuel with batteries in cars?  It appears that Joe Biden’s economic approach would reduce America’s wealth and weaken the livelihood of its citizens.

D.  Dr. Steven Greer Explosive Presentation of June 12, 2023

There is an answer to the biofuel replacement in America and it has been articulated best by a man devoted to making all people on earth lead happier and healthier lives.  That man is Dr. Steven M. Greer.  His dedication to improve our future on Earth and enter the Universe motivated him to provide a ground-breaking presentation to the National Press Club on June 12, 2023.  It is a must read for all Americans and people worldwide to preserve our freedoms, our lives, and wonderful Earth.

Monday, June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch! – YouTube

Dr. Greer has emphasized use of two of the greatest scientific innovations conceived early by our scientists, zero-point energy and anti-gravity.  But by downing UFOs with their military weapons, it was the covert Shadow Government that has successfully back-engineered propulsion capabilities for space travel.  As early as the 1960s, these propulsion capabilities have made it possible to travel to other planets.  Yet, the covert Shadow Government prohibits its use by U.S. manufacturers to enter space and force continued use of biofuels to increase their power and wealth.

With the dichotomy of our government being controlled by the CIA Shadow Government, Dr. Greer makes known that we are faced with a social and life-threating crisis.  This crisis transcends the technological innovation of zero-point propulsion.  It rests with the education of people around the world to recognize that the Shadow Government leaders must be replaced.  But equally important and more fundamental, we must use our ability to reverse conflict, violence and hate, and simply love one another.

Dr. Greer contends that technological solutions do exist — but do we possess the will, wisdom and courage to apply them for the common good?  This depends on all of us to work together to achieve peace on Earth before we enter the Universe.  We must choose wisely.  To energize our will for a better life, Dr. Greer has gotten support of experienced lawyers to expose the covert CIA for the crimes and illegal covert CIA projects begun with the first downing of six UFOs in 1947.   Refer to the partial list of murders of space aliens and humans by the covert CIA and FBI, Figures 1 and 2 above.  We must not let the covert Shadow Government lead us to a dismal future that brings out the worst in human beings, fear, aggression and hate that results in the domination and death of all life on Earth.

My dear reader, this article is closed with a link that reaches out to motivate you to seek the best in humanity and raise our aspirations to attain the wonders of space.  If you share the intent of this article to have people around the world understand that the CIA Shadow Government is a disgrace and threat to humanity, please e-mail this article to everyone you know.  Let it become the voice of millions around the world.

Will Our Human Future Achieve World Peace Without Poverty? 

From the above link, two paragraphs below have been added to express the key attribute to love one another and enter the marvelous experiences of our Universe.

Only when we, people of all faiths, let go of our indoctrinated beliefs and love one another can we truly advance to the next level of integrity and knowledge that will be our passport to enter into the wonders of the universe. Until this occurs, we are still animals to be ruled by arrogant and self-serving leaders. How long will galactic families of Extraterrestrial beings tolerate stupidity, arrogance, and uncontrollable human behavior? Are they forgiving enough to raise humans to their level of integrity and not give up on the human race to join the family of life in the universe? As stated by Paul Hellyer, “That depends entirely on us, as individuals. We are writing our own histories and we will get what we produce.”

To travel into the universe and join the family of Extraterrestrials in other worlds, people from all countries must open their hearts and minds to truly revise indoctrinated beliefs and reach for the truth. It is truth and integrity that attains the greatest gift – love for one another. To fall short of the need to advance to the next stage of our development, humans will continue to be pawns of the surreptitious CIA Shadow Government and their lives controlled with fake news media.

If you wish to learn more about this author, there is a brief writeup below that, as a father, was given to his children.  It presented a gift announced by a Man of God, I also share it with you – the ability to “love one another” with honesty and respect.

A Father Seeks to Reveal Truths to All –

With love and best wishes to all of you,

Nicholas P. Ginex


Restructure the Shadow Government that Controls America

Immediately after the July1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, President Harry Truman signed the National Security Act on July 26, 1947.  His signature created the birth of the CIA in September of 1947.  However, it was the UFO crash that prompted Truman to sign a top-secret memorandum on September 24, 1947.  Addressed to the Secretary of Defense, Forrestal, it authorized him to proceed on a highly covert matter named Operation Majestic Twelve.  Its ultimate mission was to secretly investigate alien crash survivors and back engineer the UFO with the intent to simulate space travel.  Truman made it clear that any ultimate disposition of this matter be brought to his attention following appropriate discussion between Secretary Forrestal, Dr. Bush, and the Director of the CIA.  This document may be viewed on

The Power of the CIA Shadow Government

Even before the end of Truman’s own presidency, the CIA, as a surreptitious organization, has evolved to become so much more that today, it acts as a Shadow (Hidden) Government that controls the United States presidential, congressional, and judicial branches of government.  To learn the extent of control on the U.S. Government by the Shadow Government, view below the video hosted on August 23, 2017 by retired CIA agent Kevin Shipp.  It is titled, CIA Agent Whistleblower Fully Exposes Shadow Government.

The CIA Shadow Government has become so powerful, that it may have fooled more than half United States Americans that Extraterrestrials and UFOs are a hoax.  This author prefers the name CIA Shadow Government because it has assumed control of the U.S. Government, its military forces, and all national and scientific media to manipulate the American people with disinformation of its undercover UFO development activities.  This control is managed by top-secret operatives that are not publicly elected.  For the past seven decades, this surreptitious organization has acquired control of the U.S. and has imposed tremendous leverage in the news media, world politics, finance, and international conflicts.  It controls a vast undercover of media and electronic capability used to manipulate the public and election outcomes.  With this background of CIA information, this author will provide evidence (a small of a large percentage of infractions) that substantiates why the CIA must be restructured in our system of government.

Hundreds of Murders by the CIA Are Never Adjudicated

The CIA and FBI coordinated an exhaustive number of deaths that had to do with existence of aliens and production of energy to conduct space flight.  Refer to the exhaustive list of deaths that deal with the Shadow Government’s desire to silence knowledge about zero-point energy and space flight.

Note:  At the end of the above link, click the words shadow government.  It provides many articles that reveals extensive information that steers the U.S. Defense and Foreign Policy behind the facade of ‘Democracy’.  In particular, read “An In-Depth Look at the Deep State and Secret Shadow Government” by Kalee Brown.

The CIA, FBI and NSA operators of the Shadow Government are responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed anti-gravity and investigated zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs.

Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by a powerful- surreptitious group within the U.S. military that used U.S. government agencies such as the CIA and FBI to maintain top-secret development by the Military Industrial Complex.  The short list in above link consists of highly trained technical and media people.  It is shown to reveal the extent of our democracy as a complete failure for the courts to adjudicate or dismiss their deaths due to the totalitarian structure known as the States Secret Privilege (SSP).  A similar threat that prevents an open and free is expression in American courts is known as the National Security State.

The Covert Power of the National Security State

The National Security State (NSS) is part of a massive, permanent, and ever-growing military establishment which is also known as the Shadow Government (i.e., the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, NSA and military industrial complex).  It covertly has the power to assassinate, kidnap, detain, and disappear people (i.e., the CIA and FBI).  It is also a surveillance agency with the power to secretly monitor people’s activities (i.e., the NSA).   In the link below, Jacob B. Hornberger presents why the National Security State is the Biggest Mistake in U.S. History.

As a component of the NSS, the CIA has used the State Secrets Privilege (SSP) to have the Supreme Court dismiss a lawsuit against them solely because it may disclose sensitive national security information.  In an article by Warren Richey, published May 16, 2011 by The Christian Science Monitor, he wrote,

“The SSP is a court-created doctrine that directs judges to dismiss cases that would require the disclosure of highly sensitive government secrets. When the government can show that the very subject matter of a lawsuit would publicly reveal sensitive national security information, the doctrine suggests judges should defer to the requests of the executive branch.”

In the link below, lawyer David S. D’Amato made some starting statements that all Americans must seriously exert time and effort to correct.

The Legal Origin of the State Secrets Doctrine – The Future of Freedom Foundation (

David wrote, “In the United States, a citizen may sue the government. It is fortunate that it should be so, because, as libertarians like to point out, government is society’s single worst offender. The ability to hold it to account in the courts helps safeguard the rights of the individual, the consistent protection of which is the meaning of a free society. Robust judicial review of government actions is an expression of the idea that no one should be above the law, that ours is a country of laws not men, a principle enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution’s three-branch structure.”

His closing statement places a significant thought for action, “A free society cannot last where even the possibility of justice is foreclosed, where a citizen is prevented from looking to the legal system for redress. The State Secrets Privilege makes a mockery of genuine judicial scrutiny and makes American less safe, not more.”

Use of the SSP by the CIA has denied public access to an open and fair outcome and has provoked Jacob G. Hornberger to advocate a great idea, “Let’s just dismantle America’s decades-long, nightmarish Cold War-era experiment with the totalitarian structure known as a National-Security State and restore a limited-government republic to our land.”

Mr. Hornberger wrote a revealing statement in his article titled, Why Not Simply Abolish the CIA?  Dated August 1, 2014; he claimed, “Everyone, including federal judges, knows not to push the CIA too far. It’s too powerful. It’s too influential, especially in combination with the U.S. military, the other half of the National-Security State apparatus.”  However, the NSS cannot stand against truth that must be fought for by a united force of American citizens.

A Call to Restructure the CIA Shadow Government

Shortly after the 1947 Roswell alien crash, President Truman authorized a covert team known as the Operation Majestic Twelve to investigate any alien still alive and duplicate the capability of the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO).

Since the birth of the CIA, it has enabled the Supreme Court to dismiss countless cases based upon the possibility of revealing sensitive national security information, especially zero-point energy and alien space craft capability.  Originally, the CIA was given the authority to investigate aliens and explore how to duplicate their UFO travel.  Could it be that the CIA has developed the capability for interplanetary space travel and as such, developed the greatest scientific achievement to travel throughout space?  Or, is there another strong possibility that the CIA with the consortium of the Military Industrial Complex have developed weapons that could destroy life and control space?

This raises the greater concern, the possibility that the CIA Shadow Government is protecting highly dangerous weapons that can be a threat to not only many nations but could spell the end of human life.  It is evident that this highly sensitive security information is totally under control of the surreptitious CIA Shadow Government and NOT the government for and by the people under the Constitution of the United States.

The Greatest Election Fraud by the Surreptitious CIA Shadow Government

Within a decade, under command of unelected high-ranking officials, the CIA has grown into a massive organization whose members are unaccountable to the U.S. Constitutional Government members of the Presidential, Congressional and Judicial Branches.

Today, Americans are confronted by high inflation, severe costs for food, goods and services, and tolerate the highest level of immigration from over 130 countries through the southern border of Texas.  In addition, the United States is supporting the Ukraine against Russia and wearily watch for an outbreak of war by China and Iran.  All this weigh heavily on the minds of Americans.  Of greater concern, many feel it is the CIA Shadow Government responsible by manipulating the 2020 election process to elect for president Joe Biden over Donald Trump.  This is well documented by highly trained computer experts that the 2020 election was the greatest fraud in the United States. This documentation is available and may be read by going to the link below.

The US Supreme Court Fails to Adjudicate Justice

There are legitimate concerns by millions of Americans over the very real possibility of election fraud and the fact that our constitutional system of government is ineffective against the exceptional powers of the CIA Shadow Government.  Many election fraud cases have not been adjudicated by the Supreme Court using the SSP because they did not present a U.S. security risk.  Instead, for the following six cases, the Supreme Court made an inexplicable ruling to deny their presentation in court by reasoning, “One state has no judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.”  The six cases are:

Case (20-799) – Lin Wood’s Georgia lawsuit

Case (20-810) – Pennsylvania lawsuit by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.)

Case (20-815) – Sidney Powell’s Michigan Petition

Case (20-816) – Sidney Powell’s Georgia Petition

Case (20-845) – Trump campaign’s Pennsylvania lawsuit

Case (20-882) – Trump campaign’s Wisconsin lawsuit

Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. of The American Spectator wrote a comment about the Court’s ruling that turned down the Texas lawsuit against Pennsylvania and other swing states, “This ruling should go down in history as one of the dumbest things the Court ever said, right up there with ”separate but equal” as a justification for racial segregation or “three generations of imbeciles is enough” as a justification for mandatory sterilization.”

For each case brought before the Supreme Court, the judges did not provide any written decision as to why the cases would not be heard and only provided a nonsensical phrase that the cases had No Standing. This is a real instance of dereliction of duty with an inane excuse. What can the American public deduce or infer by the Supreme Court’s denial?  Are they under control of the Shadow Government?

All Americans should seriously ponder the words by attorney Sidney Powell on the refusal of the Supreme Court to hear the election fraud cases. Her comment to the press on the SCOTUS rulings was,

“The Supreme Court’s failure to date to address the massive election fraud and multiple constitutional violations that wrought a coup of the presidency of the greatest country in world history completes the implosion of each of our three branches of government into the rubble of a sinkhole of corruption.”

The above allegation by Sidney Powell enlightens Americans to perceive that liberty and justice for and by the people is not only compromised; it is dead.  But who could have organized the massive election fraud of the United States?  There is only one organization in the U.S. capable of working with multiple hackers both foreign and domestically.  Can you venture a guess?  If not, visit the link, “shadow government”  provided in the Note above.

The Murder of Mark McCandlish  

On April 13, 2021, Mark McCandlish died in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head.  He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June.   His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone.  An article has been dedicated to Mark McCandlish for revealing to the public the internal portion of a UFO by using a cut-away he named an Alien Reproduction Vehicle.  It is illustrated on the website below,

Dismantle CIA-Shadow Government or Remain Fools? –

The article shows the back-engineering knowledge acquired by the Military Industrial Complex to develop a U.S. Interplanetary Flying Object (IFO).  The U.S. has developed an IFO capability over four decades ago which enables humans to visit other planets in our galaxy and beyond.  The article informs Americans and people around the world of the dangers the Shadow Government presents.  Disclosure of Extraterrestrials and use of technologies that can better our world is fundamental to preserve the freedoms and justice founded by our forefathers.  However, the surreptitious Shadow Government continues to mislead the public with disinformation about UFOs and Extraterrestrials.

It takes little common sense to realize that the CIA Shadow Government staged McCandlish’s murder to avoid exposure of their misleading narratives stating UFOs are a hoax.  This is not an unusual practice by the Shadow Government as revealed in the subparagraph above under Hundreds of Murders by the CIA Are Never Adjudicated.  To this day, many news journalists have reported that Mark died due to suicide.  Obviously, no attempt has been made to investigate Mark McCandlish’s murder.  The CIA Shadow Government has again successfully misled the news media and the public of the United States.

Let It Be Known

To avoid restating the greatest fraud in U.S. history, all readers are encouraged to read the last subparagraph, Let It Be Known, provided in the link,

In closing, Americans have the responsibility to actively support our system of government under the Constitution.  By the end of 2024, we and elected government representatives must reorganize the CIA.  It is a prime responsibility to have a CIA that protects America from any attacks by another country.  However, the CIA must be dismantled and restructured to report to the elected representatives of our Constitutional Government.  Since its inception, the CIA has been given financial support with taxpayer dollars.  However, it has expanded by conducting unapproved activities without the consent of our elected officials.  To continue to allow the CIA to operate in a surreptitious manner that controls our system of government is not only foolhardy but we may be allowing the greatest danger to our people and our earth.  We must act now to save our freedoms and produce a better world controlled by and for the people.

As a minimum, U.S. elected representatives must insure the surreptitious CIA shall be restructured to update the president and approve all CIA activities; full disclosure of all space craft capabilities shall be provided to the U.S. government; all development and invented capabilities developed by the CIA and MIC shall be documented and controlled by the U.S.; energy developed for interplanetary space travel shall be documented and given to a U.S. committee to explore further use by the MIC to replace bio fuels; all patents developed by any organization of the MIC shall be released to the government to plan for implementation of zero-point energy that replaces bio mechanisms that provide movement in air, on earth and water.  This is a fair deal since many of the patents dealing with elimination of bio fuels and space travel were accomplished using billions of American tax dollars over seven decades.

For the misinformation and murders committed by the CIA to be the sole developer of zero-point energy, the greatest invention that can eliminate bio contamination of our earth, Area 51 should be open to all Americans to confirm the lies by the CIA and that Extraterrestrial life does exist.  We need to update our educational and religious intuitions so that our people realize that there are other life forms throughout space.  By upgrading our morality to love one another, we can enjoy the wonderful experience of exploring space and meeting other intelligent beings that will allow us to truly love all living things.

The Author Permits Reprints of this Article Around the World

To learn more about this author, visit the websites below:   Click Authors, scroll to Nicholas Ginex and click.





Dismantle CIA-Shadow Government or Remain Fools?


This article informs people of a CIA-Shadow Government that must be exposed and dismantled by true and honest patriots of the United States and around the world.  It is the author’s strong belief that the CIA-Shadow Government must be eliminated to preserve our lives and indeed, our planet.

In addition to all people, this article needs to be read by President Trump, his children and numerous talk-show hosts like Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino and Sean Hannity.

This article informs Americans and people around the world about the danger that exists.  Disclosure of Extraterrestrials and use of technologies that can better our world is fundamental to preserve the freedoms and justice founded by our forefathers.

The following topics are presented to enable people to communicate and inform others.

  1. The murder of Mark McCandlish.
  2. List of deaths by the CIA-Shadow Government.
  3. The Planned Alien Hoax revealed by Steven Greer.
  4. The CIA-Shadow Government by Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer.
  5. Bill Moyers reveals the CIA-Shadow Government is a super-secret, self-financing, self-perpetuating organization.
  6. Provide for unauthorized programs and amnesty for deaths to Maintain Area 51 Secrecy.
  7. Area 51 built to examine aliens and back-engineer their technology
  8. Testimony by two United States presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman.
  9. Benefits in the use of Alien technology.
  10. Gain an incite of the author’s disposition and purpose.

Dismantle the CIA-Shadow Government or Remain Fools?

Mark McCandlish Cut-Away of an Alien Reproduction Vehicle.

The Murder of Mark McCandlish

What motivates this author is the murder and a premature death of Mark McCandlish at age 68 by the CIA-Shadow Government on April 13, 2021.  He died in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head.  He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June.   His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone …

This article is dedicated to Mark McCandlish for revealing to the public a cut-away of what was termed an Alien Reproduction Vehicle.  It is shown above and illustrates the back-engineering knowhow for the Military Industrial Complex to develop a United States Interplanetary Flying Object (IFO).   Yes, the U.S. has developed an IFO capability over four decades ago which enables humans to visit other planets in our galaxy and beyond.

In his bio, Mark McCandlish has indicated he witnessed dozens of sightings since 1966.  He feels certain that ET technology has been carefully protected and co-opted by the Hidden Government.  This organization is surreptitiously led by top-level CIA-Pentagon operatives that are unknown by members of the Senate, Congress and the President.

This top-secret organization, namely the CIA Shadow Government, actually controls the U.S. Government, whereby the president of the U.S. is given no knowledge or assessment of the unauthorized programs with the disrespectful comment, “You don’t have a need to know.” This unjustified comment is an affront to all Americans when one understands it is the American taxpayer that has paid billions of dollars over the 7 decades for unacknowledged programs.  Mark wrote in his short bio, “…the sequestration of this technology has provided that organization tremendous leverage in world politics, finance and international conflicts over the past five decades.”

Numerous Deaths by the CIA Shadow Government

In addition to the shot-in-the-head murder of Mark McCandlish, all Americans should be knowledgeable of the deaths committed by the CIA-Shadow Government by reading:

Refer to the Nicholas Ginex link above that reveals more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed antigravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs.

Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by the powerful-surreptitious group within the U.S. military that used U.S. government agencies such as the CIA, FBI and DoD to maintain top-secret development by the Military Industrial Complex.

Having viewed the many deaths committed by the CIA-Shadow Government can any human being accept the strong possibility that their freedoms will be lost just as the 2020 Presidential Election was lost due to the greatest election fraud in the United States.  This is an undisputed proven fact by computer experts that the media and Shadow Government hides from the American people.  To view much of the evidence of fraud, read .

Note: Due to the length of the https links below, the author recommends reading this article first.

Planned UFO-Alien Hoax by the CIA-Shadow Government

All Americans and people world-wide need to be aware of the UFO Hoax planned by the Shadow Government that can be ordered immediately or likely within one decade into 2032.  This effort is controlled by undercover CIA operatives in collusion with much of the news media controlled by the Military Industrial Complex.   An updated warning was clearly presented by Dr. Steven Greer on July 4th, 2021.

Since the Roswell crash, undercover CIA-FBI agencies have insidiously and effectively obtained control of all social, scientific, and national news media to propagate disinformation and misleading propaganda about UFOs and IFOs.  This control has become so extensive that the undercover CIA-FBI operatives have corrupted the national news and TV media to influence and actively impact the 2020 Presidential Election.  Through the years, much of the propaganda was to deny the existence of UFOs and promote the idea that ETs are a threat to earth in order to attain continued billions for their undercover and unauthorized top-secret programs.

CIA-Shadow Government Revealed by CIA Agent Kevin Shipp

To learn the extent of control on the U.S. Government by the Shadow Government, view below the video hosted on August 23, 2017 by retired CIA agent Kevin Shipp.   Former CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All to Expose the Shadow Government

The CIA-Shadow Government presentation by Kevin Shipp is provided to further substantiate that the top-secret undercover development of an alien UFO is a reality.  Too many Americans have been fooled into thinking Extraterrestrials are a hoax and to deny aliens have been captured and their technological expertise studied and developed within Area 51 would be stupidity at its best.

Bill Moyers Reveals the CIA-Shadow Government

The Kevin Shipp presentation of the Shadow Government has also been reported by Bill Moyers in a PBS video that reveals the CIA is a super-secret, self-financing, self-perpetuating organization.  The detailed documentary is provided on:    The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

Provide Amnesty to CIA Hidden Government to Disclose UFO-ET Technology 

All people in America and in all countries, should demand UFO-ET Technology Disclosure, and in return, amnesty for the murders committed since the Roswell UFO crash.  Only by world-wide communication can the insidious, unauthorized government agencies relent and provide full UFO-IFO-ET technology disclosure.  It would be wise to concede and acknowledge that by infusing ET technologies into all of America’s machines on land, sea and air, humanity can attain a new and peaceful future with prosperity in countries around the world.  But will the CIA-Shadow Government operatives be willing to give up the power they now so arrogantly possess for their own selfish goals?

Area 51 Built to Examine Aliens and Back-Engineer their Technology

This section folds together the existence of Area 51 to dispel the idea that aliens and UFOs are a hoax.  It is unbelievable that the U.S. news media, after more than 7 decades, have successfully fooled more than half Americans that UFOs and Extraterrestrials do not exist.  In this day and age, it is fool hearty for any loving human being to continue to be fooled by the U.S. media, which is controlled by the CIA Shadow Government.

Provided above in, are some of the actual findings by Phil Schneider, a UFO investigator.  He died January 17, 1996 reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck.

Phil Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosive expert.  Of the 129 deep underground facilities Schneider believed the U.S. government had constructed since World War II, he claimed to have worked on 13. Two of these bases were major, including the much-rumored bioengineering facility at Dulce, N.M.  At Dulce, Schneider maintained, “Grey” – humanoid Extraterrestrials – worked side by side with American technicians.

In 1979, a misunderstanding arose. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified number of “greys”. It was here he received a beam-weapon blast to the chest which caused his later cancer.  By referring to the above http Ginex website, you can “see” a layout at level 6 in the Dulce base.  He provided some of the following findings that may have deep implications.

  1. In Area 51, the American government concluded a treaty with “Grey” aliens in 1954. This mutual cooperation pack was attended by President Eisenhower and is called the Grenada Treaty.
  2. Much of our stealth aircraft technology was developed by back-engineering crashed ET craft.

Finally, Phil Schneider lamented that the democracy he loved no longer existed. We had become instead a technocracy ruled by a Shadow Government intent on imposing their own view of things on all of us, whether we like it or not. He believed I1 of his best friends had been murdered in the last 22 years, eight of whom had been officially disposed of as suicides.

Testimony by Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman.

Two former U.S. presidents have warned Americans that there is a sinister and serious threat by the CIA who controls the CIA-Shadow Government and media in the United States.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.  Will Americans keep silent and remain fools by not fighting for the freedoms our forefathers put into the Constitution?   Where are the politicians and legislators of all parties who represent the people of the United States?


This article should alert all Americans to recognize there is a root cause for the 2020 presidential election fraud.  To not confront the election fraud is to welcome more control by a surreptitious organization that will eventually endanger humanity and possibly our planet.  To be silent and not correct the election process is to accept defeat.

We have seen that the 2020 presidential election was well coordinated to employ extensive fraud by hackers in the U.S. and foreign countries.  This was an undercover operation that the CIA has had experience with as they have interfered with other election outcomes.  The freedom of America has been compromised.  Can we continue to allow the CIA Shadow Government to function by keeping Americans ignorant like dopes with false news?  If this article does not awaken your sensibilities to fight for our freedoms then American may not only become a third world county, but indeed, this beautiful planet and humanity may come to a pitiful end in the next few decades.

Benefits in the Use of Extraterrestrial Technology.    Disclosure Benefits

One Last Word.  If the CIA-Shadow Government operatives are unwilling to provide disclosure with the benefit of amnesty, the U.S. President, Commander of all U.S. Military Forces, must mobilize the armed forces to take over all operations within the Pentagon and top-secret military facilities to confiscate all technical data for use by legitimate development companies.  There is no reason why the Commander-In-Chief of the Military cannot take such action unless, the CIA-Shadow Government operatives are truly the acting government within our so-called Democratic Government for and by the people.

Gain Incite of the Author’s Disposition and Purpose.

Readers of this article, please share it with others.  To remain silent is to accept the loss of freedoms our forefathers put in place to establish government by and for the people.  Don’t lose a precious gift that other countries long for.

To learn about this author read, .

The author welcomes mail via:


Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology June 4, 2021In “Articles”

Zero-Point Energy Can Resolve the Climate Change Threat March 23, 2021In “Articles”

U.S. Agencies Maintain Secrecy of UFO and Zero-Point Energy Technology April 26, 2020




Truth Enables All People to Act Wisely

Foreword- This article has been updated under

Dismantle CIA-Shadow Government or Remain Fools?

This article informs people of a CIA-Shadow Government that must be exposed and dismantled by true and honest patriots of the United States and around the world.  It is the author’s strong belief that the CIA-Shadow Government must be eliminated to preserve our lives and indeed, our planet.

In addition to all people, this article needs to be read by President Trump, his children and numerous talk-show hosts like Mark Levin, Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino and Sean Hannity.

This article informs Americans and people around the world about the danger that exists.  Disclosure of Extraterrestrials and use of technologies that can better our world is fundamental to preserve the freedoms and justice founded by our forefathers.

The following topics are covered to enable all people to wisely communicate and inform others.

1. The murder of Mark McCandlish.

2. List of deaths by the CIA-Shadow Government.

3. The Planned Alien Hoax revealed by Steven Greer.

4. Knowledge of the CIA-Shadow Government by Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer.

5. Bill Moyers reveals the CIA-Shadow Government is a super-secret, self-financing, self-perpetuating organization.

6. Testimony by two United States presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman.

7. Benefits in the use of Alien technology.

8. Gain an incite of the author’s disposition and purpose.

Truth Enables All People to Act Wisely

Mark McCandlish Cut-Away of an Alien Reproduction Vehicle.

What motivates this author is the murder and a premature death of Mark McCandlish at age 68 by the CIA-Shadow Government on April 13, 2021.  He died in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head.  He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June.   His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone …

 This article is dedicated to Mark McCandlish for revealing to the public a cut-away of what was termed an Alien Reproduction Vehicle.  It is shown above and illustrates the back-engineering knowhow for the Military Industrial Complex to develop a United States Interplanetary Flying Object (IFO).   Yes, the U.S. has developed an IFO capability over four decades ago which enables humans to visit other planets in our galaxy and beyond.

In addition to the shot-in-the-head murder of Mark McCandlish, all concerned people should examine many other deaths committed by the CIA-Shadow Government by reading:

In his bio, Mark McCandlish has indicated he witnessed dozens of sightings since 1966.  He feels certain that ET technology has been carefully protected and co-opted by the Hidden Government.  This organization is surreptitiously led by top-level CIA-Pentagon operatives that are unknown by members of the Senate, Congress and the President.  Refer to the Nicholas Ginex link above that reveals more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed antigravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs.

Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by a powerful-surreptitious group within the U.S. military that used U.S. government agencies such as the CIA, FBI and DoD to maintain top-secret development by the Military Industrial Complex.  This top-secret organization actually controls the U.S. Government, whereby the president of the U.S. is given no knowledge or assessment of the unauthorized programs with the disrespectful comment, “You don’t have a need to know.” This unjustified comment is an affront to all Americans when one understands it is the American taxpayer that has paid billions of dollars over the 7 decades for unacknowledged programs.  Mark wrote in his short bio, “…the sequestration of this technology has provided that organization tremendous leverage in world politics, finance and international conflicts over the past five decades.”

Planned 2021-2022 UFO Hoax by CIA-Shadow Government

All Americans and people world-wide need to be aware of the UFO Hoax planned by the Shadow Government possibly this year or soon after by 2024.  This effort is controlled by undercover CIA operatives in collusion with leaders in the Military Industrial Complex.   An updated warning was clearly presented by Dr. Steven Greer on July 4th, 2021.

Note: Due to the length of the https links below, the author recommends reading this article first.

Since the Roswell crash, undercover CIA-FBI agencies have insidiously and effectively obtained control of all social, scientific, and national news media to propagate disinformation and misleading propaganda about UFOs and IFOs.  This control has become so extensive that the undercover CIA-FBI operatives have corrupted the national news and TV media to influence and actively impact the 2020 Presidential Election.  Through the years, much of the propaganda was to deny the existence of UFOs and promote the idea that ETs are a threat to earth in order to attain continued billions for their undercover and unauthorized top-secret programs.

To learn the extent of control on the U.S. Government by the Shadow Government, view below the video hosted on August 23, 2017 by Kevin Shipp on Former CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All to Expose the Shadow Government

This article is for all Americans to recognize there is a root cause for the 2020 presidential election fraud.  To not confront the election fraud is to welcome more control by a surreptitious organization that will eventually endanger humanity and possibly our planet.  To be silent and not correct the election process is to accept defeat.

The Kevin Shipp presentation of the Shadow Government has also been reported by Bill Moyers in a PBS video that reveals the CIA is a super-secret, self-financing, self-perpetuating organization.  The detailed documentary is provided on:    The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

All people and leaders in all countries should demand UFO-IFO-ET Technology Disclosure, and in return, amnesty for the murders committed since the Roswell UFO crash.  Only by world-wide communication can the insidious, unauthorized government agencies relent and provide full UFO-IFO-ET technology disclosure.  It would be wise to concede and acknowledge that by infusing ET technologies into all of America’s machines on land, sea and air, Humanity can attain a new and peaceful future with prosperity in countries around the world.  But will the CIA-Shadow Government operatives be willing to give up the power they now so arrogantly possess for their own selfish goals? Below are some of the benefits that disclosure of ET technologies can bring.    Disclosure Benefits

One Last Word.  If the CIA-Shadow Government operatives are unwilling to provide disclosure with the benefit of amnesty, the U.S. President, Commander of all U.S. Military Forces, must mobilize the armed forces to take over all operations within the Pentagon and top-secret military facilities to confiscate all technical data for use by legitimate development companies.  There is no reason why the Commander-In-Chief of the Military cannot take such action unless, the CIA-Shadow Government operatives are truly the acting government within our so-called Democratic Government for and by the people.

Two former U.S. presidents have warned Americans that there is a sinister and serious threat by the CIA who controls the Shadow Government and media in the United States.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.  We have seen that the 2020 presidential election was well coordinated to employ extensive fraud by hackers in the U.S. and foreign countries.  This was an undercover operation that the CIA has had experience with as they have interfered with other election outcomes.  The freedom of America has been compromised and will persist as stated by two former United States presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman.

Readers of this article, please share it with others.  To remain silent is to accept the loss of your freedoms our forefathers put in place to establish government by and for the people.  Don’t lose a precious gift that other countries long for.

To learn about this author read, .

The author welcomes mail via:


Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology June 4, 2021In “Articles”

Zero-Point Energy Can Resolve the Climate Change Threat March 23, 2021In “Articles”

U.S. Agencies Maintain Secrecy of UFO and Zero-Point Energy Technology April 26, 2020

I am Nicholas P. Ginex, a lover of humanity and a seeker of truth. I am here to explore, to search, to study, to educate and to unveil. While aerospace, engineering and science are my fields of academics, yet history, philosophy and humanities are my fields of research. I desire to learn and teach a few, so together we can seek the light and search for the truth. May the sun shine a light from behind the clouds of obscurity and may love prevail so that the words of Gerald Massey, Egyptologist and Poet, becomes a reality:>>> The time shall come,>>> When man to man shall be a friend and brother>>> And this old world shall be a happy home,>>> And all Earth’s family loves one another!>>> Hope on, hope ever.>>> View all posts by 


Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof

Mike Lindell has contracted computer experts that found wide-spread fraud of the 2020 Presidential Election by surfacing real-time, absolute proof that must be brought before the Supreme Court for adjudication.  The American people have been cheated of their rightful president by a surreptitious organization that employed computer hackers in the U.S. and foreign countries. 

The Surreptitious Organization

Scientific proof exists that the greatest election fraud in United States history had to be coordinated by a surreptitious organization.  The fraud is so extensive that it would be naive to discount that top-secret CIA operatives surreptitiously initiated and, very likely coordinated the 2020 election fraud.  It is already well known that CIA personnel have openly instigated the Russian hoax with an unverified dossier to remove President Donald Trump from office.  Many CIA officials involved were never indicted for the lies and deceit they perpetrated with the fake dossier.   John Durham, a U.S. Attorney who investigated the origins of the FBI’s Russia collusion investigation was to release a report that involved many CIA operatives soon after the 2020 presidential election.  This never happened; it becomes clear that undercover CIA operatives terminated release of the report to the public.

Real-Time Proof of Absolute Interference

Positive evidence has been amply documented by Mike Lindell with three videos.  The first video was banned and exists on the link,  The 2nd is a two-hour presentation, Absolute Interference, that reveals foreign and domestic enemies used computers connected to the world-wide Internet system.  Computer hackers accessed America’s 2020 election in real-time before, during, and after the election process.  In addition to domestic hackers, other countries such as China, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Spain, Serbia, North Korea, Italy, and Germany accessed America’s electronic voting system that flipped many thousands of votes from Trump to Biden in many states. Refer to:

Supreme Court Can Render 9-0 Vote of Computer Fraud

The American people must loudly make known that they have been cheated from having the rightful president lead the country.  There is no doubt that Americans have overwhelmingly voted for President Trump but have been robbed by surreptitious activity that had to be coordinated worldwide.  To right the criminal activity, and install the rightful president, it will be the duty of the Supreme Court to adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud to dispense justice.  The 100 % irrefutable evidence provided below on a 3rd video by Mike Lindell must be brought to the Supreme Court and adjudicated as soon as possible.

Americans are fed up having an inept Joe Biden run America.  Just a half year as president, President Biden has opened the U.S. border to all people with no proper verification of who and why they migrate.  Worse yet, it is the American people that pays for their shelter, food, clothing, education, medical and transportation.  Consequently, the states are absorbing the costs, which decreases the safety, education, and quality of life for their citizens.

Expose the Surreptitious Organization 

The surreptitious organization is a shadow government initiated soon after the 1947 Roswell alien crash and has assumed political control of the United States Government, its military forces, and all media outlets to manipulate the American people with disinformation of its undercover UFO development activities.  This control is managed by top-secret operatives that are not publicly elected.  Over the past seven decades, this surreptitious organization has acquired control of the Military Industrial Complex and has imposed tremendous leverage in the news media, world politics, finance, and international conflicts.  It controls a vast undercover of media and electronic capability used to manipulate the public and control election outcomes.  The menu at the website below provides the article titled, Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology.  Click the title for a detail presentation of the shadow government.

Call to Action

It is to be noted that the Shadow Government, with pervasive control of the news and TV media, has successfully limited Americans to learn of the most important news of 2021, the findings of 100 % absolute fraud of the 2020 election. It remains for all Americans to inform and communicate this finding with many of their friends and associates. Make an effort to send at least 10 e-mails to them and they, in turn, by doing the same, will pressure the U.S. Supreme Court to adjudicate the fraud criminality.  It is a shame to let America endure a dishonest election that produced an inept president coordinated by surreptitious CIA operatives. Will Americans continue to be controlled by the Shadow Government or will they make their voices heard to obtain justice over the greatest fraud in the history of the United States?

To learn the severity of control on the U.S. Government by the Shadow Government, view the video hosted by Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer, below.

This article is for all Americans to recognize there is a root cause for the 2020 election fraud and to not confront the problem is to welcome more control by a surreptitious organization that will eventually endanger humanity and possibly our planet.  There is no doubt in my mind that to be silent is to accept defeat.

Two former U.S. presidents have warned Americans that there is a sinister and serious threat by the CIA who controls the Shadow Government and media in the United States.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.  We have seen that the 2020 presidential election was well coordinated to employ extensive fraud by hackers in the U.S. and foreign countries,  An undercover operation that the CIA has experience with as they have interfered with election outcomes.  The freedom of America has been compromised and will persist as stated by two former United States presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman.

Kevin Shipp Video Reveals the Size and Power of the CIA

  1. The CIA is an unconstitutional organization. It was created with the National Security Act by Harry Truman in 1947 with no congressional approval.
  2. The CIA is staffed by unelected officials that could send us to war. They are put in place by secret programs and secret clearances and the public has nothing to say; CIA is in total control.
  3. The CIA manipulates the judiciary through the state secret privilege which shuts down legal cases brought before the foreign surveillance court, the FISA court (a secret Supreme Court) that approves warrants and wiretaps outside the Constitution. The CIA has invoked the state secret privilege to evade accountability for torture and even to dismiss a lawsuit alleging racial discrimination.
  4. The ‘state secrets privilege’ is very controversial. It is a legal tool that started as a limited shield intended to protect legitimate and critical government national security secrets, but the CIA and government has turned it into a sword to block Americans seeking to enforce the law, the Constitution, and silence national security whistleblowers.
  5. The size of the CIA encompasses 23 U.S. Capital buildings and is the size of 3 pentagons.

A Word About Kevin Shipp

Dane Washington of provided the CIA video indicated above and presented a short bio of Kevin Shipp.

“Mr. Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up.  At a very important public awareness event in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all.

Americans desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin’s lead. All of us are essential in the battle to help wake the masses to the truth so that the whistleblowers have the support they need to come forward. If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the fight for the greater good.”

Kevin Shipp Announced What We Can Do to Expose and Eliminate the CIA

  1. Start a grassroots civil movement across America.
  2. Establish thousands of groups; cause a social media storm.
  3. CIA knows citizens have the Internet and the CIA is scared of that power.
  4. Fire them all; congressmen and senators and elect constitutionalists at every level, kick them out.
  5. Demand total intelligence agency reform and complete dismantling of the CIA unconstitutional dark-shadow organization.
  6. Never forget, American is government by the people, Congress and Senate are our representatives, not the other way around.
  7. Government violations of the Constitution are a felony.
  8. The only weapon the CIA has is fear. Citizens are to make their voices known,
  9. Shipp reminds his audience by quoting Thomas Jefferson, who said,

“When the people fears government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.”

Comments are welcomed at

Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology

All Americans and people around the world must expose the Shadow Government and demand disclosure of Alien technology.  Who controls the “Shadow Government” and why is disclosure of Alien technology of utmost importance?  But first, what do we mean by a Shadow Government?

The Shadow, aka Hidden Government. 

Definition: The shadow government is a surreptitious organization initiated soon after the 1947 Roswell alien crash and has assumed political control of the United States Government, its military forces, and all media outlets to manipulate the American people with disinformation of its undercover UFO development activities.  This control is managed by top-secret operatives that are not publicly elected.  For the past seven decades, this surreptitious organization has acquired control of the Military Industrial Complex and has imposed tremendous leverage in the news media, world politics, finance, and international conflicts.  It controls a vast undercover of media and electronic capability used to manipulate the public and election outcomes.

Past and Present CIA-FBI Undercover Activities

Definite proof exists that the shadow government is controlled and run by top-secret CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives that first secured power soon after the 1947 alien Roswell crash.  They have spent untold billions of dollars in the development of the Area 51 underground facilities to back-engineer UFO technology and investigate the biological makeup of survived aliens.  To acquire the technical expertise to study and duplicate UFO capabilities, the shadow government contracted top engineering, scientific, biological, and construction companies, which make up the Military Industrial Complex.  In 1987, Bill Moyers in a PBS video revealed that the CIA is a super-secret, self-financing, self-perpetuating organization.  He provides a detailed documentary, The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

The PBS documentary reveals just how extensive the CIA controls America’s democratic government and is responsible for millions of innocent deaths in many countries.

To defunct the notion that the shadow government is a conspiracy theory but instead, an actual reality, the reader may view the multiple murders committed by the CIA and FBI to silence anybody who had knowledge of Area 51 activities.  For a small list of murders committed by the CIA-FBI to silence public knowledge of UFO unacknowledged programs go to:

This list validates that U.S. government entities such as the CIA, FBI and DoD is responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, top military officers, and personnel that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed anti-gravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs.  Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by the powerful surreptitious organization, aka, the hidden or shadow government.  The latest murder of Mark McCandlish, illustrator of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle, has an article dedicated to him on the link below:

The Shadow Government Corrupted the 2020 Presidential Election

Since the Roswell crash, top-secret CIA-FBI agencies have insidiously and effectively obtained control of all social, scientific, and national news media to propagate disinformation and misleading propaganda about UFOs.  Through seven decades, much of the propaganda was to deny the existence of UFOs and promote the idea that ETs are a threat to earth in order to attain continued billions for their undercover-unauthorized top-secret programs.  This control has become so pervasive that the undercover CIA-FBI operatives have corrupted the national news, TV, and Internet social platforms to influence and actively impact the 2020 Presidential Election.  Scientific proof exists that the greatest election fraud in United States history had to be coordinated by the Shadow government.  Positive evidence is amply documented by Mike Lindell on and

The Shadow Government Initiated and Terminated the Russian Hoax

The Russian impeachment hoax that began in March of 2016 was a distraction hoisted on the American people throughout the presidency of Donald Trump.  This hoax was fabricated by CIA officials that operated openly with the creation of an unsubstantiated dossier.  The impeachment trial ended March 2019 and Trump was found innocent.  However, all CIA officials involved were never indicted for the lies and deceit they perpetrated with the fake dossier.   John Durham, a U.S. Attorney who investigated the origins of the FBI’s Russia collusion investigation was to release a report that involved many CIA operatives soon after the 2020 presidential election.  This never happened; it becomes clear that the CIA terminated release of the report to the public.

The Shadow Government Has Corrupted Three Branches of Government

The shadow government CIA-FBI operatives have coordinated the greatest coup in U.S. history by setting up the Russian hoax to remove President Trump from office.  But the next show of subversive power was the CIA-FBI reach into the judicial system of the United States.  The Supreme Court did not accept the responsibility to adjudicate several cases of election fraud that the Democrat and Republican parties were unable to resolve.  This was not only a failure of the Supreme Court to resolve a national issue between two parties, it was a disgrace that reveals they did not have the integrity to honor their given mandate to provide justice for the American people.  But was there an undercurrent of fear that further riots would ensue if they were to deliver a verdict?

The inaction by the Supreme Court elicited a wake-up comment by attorney Sidney Powell.  “The Supreme Court’s failure to date to address the massive election fraud and multiple constitutional violations that wrought a coup of the presidency of the greatest country in world history completes the implosion of each of our three branches of government into the rubble of a sinkhole of corruption.”

The above allegation by Sidney Powell should enlighten Americans to know that liberty and justice for and by the people has not only been compromised, it is impotent due to the judicial fears materialized by the CIA and FBI.

Shadow Government Amnesty for Disclosure of UFO-ET Technology

All people and leaders in all countries must demand UFO-ET Technology Disclosure.  In return, amnesty can be given to shadow government operatives for the murders committed since the Roswell UFO crash.  It would be wise for shadow government operatives to acknowledge that disclosure will ultimately cause infusion of ET technologies into all of America’s machines on land, sea and air.  The benefit world-wide would achieve for humanity a new future with peace and prosperity.  But will the CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives be willing to give up the power they now so arrogantly possess for their own selfish goals?  Disclosure of ET-UFO technologies will improve for all people their quality of life and open a frontier into outer space where they may meet and enjoy the intellect of other beings.  The benefits of disclosure are presented on:

Communication and U.S. Government Leaders Can Achieve Disclosure

Only by world-wide communication can the insidious, shadow government and their CIA-FBI agencies relent and provide full UFO-ET technology disclosure.  The American people must be proactive to voice their dismay of being misinformed and programmed to be slaves of the shadow government. People must broadcast the anguished cry of a man  made a fool by lies and disinformation that denigrates objective news and perverts the ideas and opinions of our culture, “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going take this anymore!” (MGM’s movie, Network)

Too long, seven decades, the shadow government has surreptitiously controlled the destiny of the United States without any acknowledgement and consent by the American people.

One Last Word

If the CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives are unwilling to provide disclosure with the benefit of amnesty, then the U.S. President, Commander of all U.S. Military Forces with support of the American people, must mobilize the armed forces to take over all operations within the Pentagon and top-secret military facilities.  All technical data and company patents that were developed with multibillions of taxpayer dollars must be confiscated for use by legitimate development companies.  There is no reason why the Commander-In-Chief of the Military cannot take such action unless, the CIA-FBI-Pentagon operatives are truly the acting government within the so-called Democratic Government that supposedly is represented by and for the people.

Will Americans be strong and resolute to fight for the freedoms provided by our forefathers?  They are.  Nobody likes to be made a fool of.  Certainly, seven decades that Americans have been made into fools is long enough.  The time is now to stand up and vocalize that their freedoms and way of life must be under their control and that includes honest voting systems throughout America.  The CIA-FBI surreptitiously had control of the 2020 fraudulent presidential election whereby an unpopular and mentally deficient man became president of the United States.  Today, Americans are beginning to see the stupidity of the new president permitting open borders that not only causes the downfall of U.S. sovereignty but deprives all Americans of the prosperity and leadership they once had with President Trump.

If the news media loves America and the well-being of its people, they would inform them by also printing this article.  Comments are welcomed via:

Planned 2021-2022 UFO Hoax by CIA-Pentagon

Mark McCandlish Cut-Away of an Alien Reproduction Vehicle.

This article is dedicated to Mark McCandlish whose death at age 68 on April 13, 2021 was premature.  He died in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head.  He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June.   His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone …

All Americans and people world-wide need to be aware of the UFO Hoax planned possibly this year or 2022 by the Shadow Government, which is controlled by undercover CIA operatives in collusion with leaders in the Military Industrial Complex.   This is an updated warning clearly presented by Dr. Steven Greer on July 4th, 2021.

In addition to the shot-in-the-head murder of Mark McCandlish, all concerned people should examine other deaths committed by top-secret U.S. government agencies by reading:

In his bio, Mark McCandlish has indicated he witnessed dozens of sightings since 1966.  He feels certain that UFO-ET technology has been carefully protected and co-opted by an as-yet-unknown organization.  That organization is surreptitiously led by top-level CIA-Pentagon operatives that are unknown by members of the Senate, Congress and the President.  Refer to the Nicholas Ginex link above that reveals more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed antigravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs.

Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by a powerful-surreptitious group within the U.S. military that used U.S. government agencies such as the CIA, FBI and DoD to maintain top-secret development by the Military Industrial Complex.  This top-secret organization actually controls the U.S. Government, whereby the president of the U.S. is given no knowledge or assessment of the unauthorized programs with the disrespectful comment, “You don’t have a need to know.” This unjustified comment is an affront to all Americans when one understands it is the American taxpayer that has paid billions of dollars over the 7 decades for unacknowledged programs.  Mark wrote in his short bio, “…the sequestration of this technology has provided that organization tremendous leverage in world politics, finance and international conflicts over the past five decades.”

Since the Roswell crash, undercover CIA-FBI agencies have insidiously and effectively obtained control of all social, scientific, and national news media to propagate disinformation and misleading propaganda about UFOs.  This control has become so extensive that the undercover CIA-FBI operatives have corrupted the national news and TV media to influence and actively impact the 2020 Presidential Election.  Through the years, much of the propaganda was to deny the existence of UFOs and promote the idea that ETs are a threat to earth in order to attain continued billions for their undercover-unauthorized top-secret programs.

To learn the severity of control on the U.S. Government by the Shadow Government, view the video hosted by Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer, below.

This article is for all Americans to recognize there is a root cause for the 2020 election fraud and to not confront the problem is to welcome more control by a surreptitious organization that will eventually endanger humanity and possibly our planet.  There is no doubt in my mind that to be silent is to accept defeat.

All people and leaders in all countries should demand UFO-ET Technology Disclosure, and in return, amnesty for the murders committed since the Roswell UFO crash.  Only by world-wide communication can the insidious, unauthorized government agencies relent and provide full UFO-ET technology disclosure.  It would be wise to concede and acknowledge that by infusing ET technologies into all of America’s machines on land, sea and air, Humanity can attain a new and peaceful future with prosperity in countries around the world.  But are the CIA-Pentagon operatives willing to give up the power they now so arrogantly possess for their own selfish goals?  Below are some of the benefits that disclosure of decades of ET technologies can bring.

Disclosure Benefits:

One Last Word.  If the CIA-Pentagon operatives are unwilling to provide disclosure with the benefit of amnesty, the U.S. President, Commander of all U.S. Military Forces, must mobilize the armed forces to take over all operations within the Pentagon and top-secret military facilities to confiscate all technical data for use by legitimate development companies.  There is no reason why the Commander-In-Chief of the Military cannot take such action unless, the CIA-Pentagon operatives are truly the acting government within the so-called Democratic Government for and by the people.

Two former U.S. presidents have warned Americans that there is a sinister and serious threat by the CIA who controls the Shadow Government and media in the United States.  The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.  We have seen that the 2020 presidential election was well coordinated to employ extensive fraud by hackers in the U.S. and foreign countries.  This was an undercover operation that the CIA has had experience with as they have interfered with other election outcomes.  The freedom of America has been compromised and will persist as stated by two former United States presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman.

To readers of this article, share it with others.  To remain silent is to accept the loss of your freedoms our forefathers put in place to establish government by and for the people.  Don’t lose a precious gift that other countries long for.

Conclusive Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud

by:  Nicholas P. Ginex – Author Bio presented on:

May 17, 2021

The Truth Will Be Known

The American public has been misinformed by national and TV news media causing them to question the legitimacy of the 2020 Presidential Election.  The news media has presented the public with two loudly advocated positions by leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties.  Republican party leaders claim the 2020 election had been stolen due to evidence that substantiates fraud while the Democratic party openly accuse President Trump of lying and that President Biden was fairly elected.

Corrupted Votes Threatens America’s Democracy

Voters have to believe America’s voting system is honest and accurate.  However, there is conclusive evidence that the 2020 Presidential Election has been hijacked with out-and-out fraud.

The conclusive evidence below verifies that a number of key swing states in at least five American cities — Detroit Michigan, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, and Atlanta Georgia had the help of notoriously corrupt Democratic governors and manipulated computer machines hacked both within and outside of the United States.

The election of Biden appears to be incongruous since  Republicans won 28 of 29 competitive House seats and Democrats were unable to flip a single state legislature.  From a non-voting perspective as well, Biden, during the entire presidential campaign, always had less than 1,000 supporters at his rallies while Trump had anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 attend; positive evidence that Trump was favored to win the election.  But examine the evidence below that insured a fraudulent Biden win.

Conclusive Evidence of the 2020 Election Fraud

To not overwhelm the readers with too much data, only a small sample of findings are presented below to reveal that conclusive evidence of election irregularities existed in the 2020 election.

Finding 1.  Data scientists of the Data Integrity Group found in Pennsylvania over 432,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump in at least 15 counties.

Finding 2.  An Antrim County Forensics Report by Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, concluded that the Dominion Voting System was intentionally and purposefully designed to create systemic fraud and influence election results.  The Dominion voting machines were programmed to generate an enormously high number of ballot errors.  The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail, which leads to voter or election fraud.  Based on Russell’s study, the audit verified that the Dominion voting machines should not be used in Michigan.  He further concluded that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.  Over 6,000 votes were erroneously tabulated for President-elect Joe Biden rather than Trump.  Antrim County Forensics Report – DocumentCloud

Finding 3.  The Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections verifies computer data scientists presented conclusive evidence of election fraud.   Georgia election data revealed that more than 30,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Finding 4.  The Navarro Report provided an assessment of the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  The Navarro Report – PETER NAVARRO

Peter Navarro concludes six findings:

(1) outright voter fraud,

(2) ballot mishandling,

(3) contestable process fouls,

(4) Equal Protection Clause violations,

(5) voting machine irregularities, and

(6) significant statistical anomalies.

The evidence presented conclusively revealed there was a coordinated strategy to steal the election or strategically game the election process to unfairly favor the Biden-Harris ticket.

Supreme Court Fails to Adjudicate the Evidence

A systemic failure exists in America’s political system.  Party representatives that are supposed to represent the people are instead working to acquire power to maintain themselves.  Many people have witnessed that Republican, Democratic and Liberal congress and senate leaders behave like opposition parties against each other.  It is unfortunate, leaders of these parties are fighting for what is best for them and not the American people.

It is clear that Democratic leaders are solely interested in retaining the power of the presidency and congress by loudly advocating the immigration of people from any country to amass votes in future elections.  It wasn’t enough to permit the voting irregularities and fraud of the 2020 election but by letting millions of immigrants into America and giving them free subsistence of food, housing and education they can guarantee their votes for them in the future.  Even if the America’s economic and capitalistic system is threatened to compromise the workforce and livelihood of its citizens, the Democrats don’t seem to care.

The inability of Democratic leaders to use common sense and unite with Republican leaders to steer a well-planned course for peace and prosperity for its citizens has even affected the U.S. Supreme Court to use their mandate to apply justice by adjudicating the irregularities of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Having accumulated verifiable evidence of election fraud, President Trump has had several astute lawyers bring the following cases before the Supreme Court for a judicial hearing of the evidence.

Case (20-799) – Lin Wood’s Georgia lawsuit

Case (20-810) – Pennsylvania lawsuit by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.)

Case (20-815) – Sidney Powell’s Michigan Petition

Case (20-816) – Sidney Powell’s Georgia Petition

Case (20-845) – Trump campaign’s Pennsylvania lawsuit

Case (20-882) – Trump campaign’s Wisconsin lawsuit

A most surprising judgment by the Supreme Court was their denial and failure to evaluate the evidence and eliminate the impasse that the two parties were unable to resolve.   The continual denial to adjudicate the six cases by the Supreme Court exhibits a dereliction of their duty to resolve a national dispute between the Democratic and Republican parties.  This is not only a failure of the Supreme Court to resolve a national issue between two parties, it is a disgrace that reveals they do not have the integrity to honor their given mandate to provide justice for the American people.

For each case brought before the Supreme Court, the judges did not provide any written decision as to why the cases would not be heard and only provided a nonsensical phrase that the cases had No Standing.  This is a real instance of dereliction of duty with an inane excuse.  What can the American public deduce or infer by the Supreme Court’s denial?  Is there an undercurrent of fear by the supreme court justices that by hearing the legitimate Trump cases there would be havoc and rioting by segments of opposing parties no matter what was the judicial outcomes?  Be it true that rioting and division in America would ensue, it is a shame that America has been disabled to stand up for justice and does not have the authority to protect its people from stupidity and violence.

Lawyer Asserts Three Branches of Government Are Corrupt

This author ends his obligation to inform the American people of a great injustice that has been permitted to exist, nay, the greatest fraud in U.S. history with a wake-up comment by attorney Sidney Powell.

“The Supreme Court’s failure to date to address the massive election fraud and multiple constitutional violations that wrought a coup of the presidency of the greatest country in world history completes the implosion of each of our three branches of government into the rubble of a sinkhole of corruption.”

The above allegation by Sidney Powell enlightens Americans to perceive that liberty and justice for and by the people is not only compromised it is dead.

To learn why there is evidence that the CIA and FBI are behind the 2020 Election Fraud, read Nicholas Ginex article on the link:

Iran Politics Club: US Supreme Court Fails to Adjudicate Justice – Nicholas Ginex

Zero-Point Energy Can Resolve the Climate Change Threat

Article Description:  There is a need to inform people around the world that the United States has, under top-secret programs, developed use of two of the greatest technological discoveries of our era – anti-gravity and zero-point energy.  Since the 1960s, five decades ago, the Military Industrial Complex has designed and operationally flown Interstellar Flying Objects for space travel.

Author Comment:  Will the national news media serve the people of their country by informing them that they must demand the Military Industrial Complex disclose the greatest technologies that will eliminate Climate Change and usher the phenomenal experience of meeting other intelligent beings in the universe?

Zero-Point Energy Can Resolve the Climate Change Threat

As early as 1961, in a televised farewell address, President Eisenhower warned Americans about the increasing power of the Military Industrial Complex.  His warning was motivated because the MIC did not provide him with any information or accountability of top secret UFO ET operations with the pretext that he had “no need to know.”

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a NASA astronaut who walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 was a strong believer in the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life and claimed earth had frequently been visited by aliens.  In a 2009 interview with the Guardian, Mitchell stated:

“We are being visited by extraterrestrial life …I call upon our government to open up … and become a part of this planetary community that is now trying to take our proper role as a spacefaring civilization.”

To this day, the MIC has not disclosed that zero-point energy is a reality.  Under top-secret Area 51 operations, the military aerospace sector has developed and implemented interstellar flying objects (IFOs) that can travel into space since the 1960s.  But, unfortunately, the MIC maintains secrecy and control of ZPE depriving humanity of its applications that can resolve the Climate Change threat and benefit whole economies around the world.

An Imperative Appeal to People Worldwide

People worldwide must demand all IFO space technology, developed covertly by the military-industrial complex, be disclosed to improve their quality of life and enter the new era of interstellar space travel.  Zero-point energy can achieve low cost energy without the use of oil, coal, gas and nuclear fuels that pollute the earth.  The benefits will eliminate poverty and lack of food; wars due to religious and political differences; and sufficient leisure time to grow intellectually and morally – a prerequisite to join intelligent and peaceful beings in the universe.

Availability of ZPE technologies must be allowed for use by all countries in an open, free enterprise system.  It will create many jobs around the world to solve poverty, decrease pollution of our planet, and increase the quality of life for all people.  These benefits, introduced into every country, will eliminate the need for war by any country.  It will allow humans to solve their most important problems caused by economic, religious and political differences.  Our religious and educational systems need to be advanced to prepare mankind to live in the new era of interstellar travel.  These two systems of moral and intellectual development, respectively, must be faithfully addressed.

On February 17, 2019, FOX News Channel presented the new TV show, Life, Liberty & Levin. It is hosted by Mark Levin who is dedicated to exploring America’s culture, politics, and world events to perceive their effects on the lives of its people and the direction of our nation’s future. Mark’s guest was the distinguished Four Star General Jack Keane, the first military official to receive the Peace Through Strength Award at the Reagan Library in California.

Their conversation highlighted possible war threats around the world, but nowhere in their discussion did they speak of, or entertain, the most important technological development of this era – the use of zero-point energy (ZPE). This was disappointing because informed and forward-looking minds worldwide know that ZPE can be the solution to achieve global world peace.

The Military Uses Taxpayer Dollars to Finance and Control the Fake News Media

Even though ZPE technology has been secretly developed and implemented by the MIC, it is unreported by the U.S. national news media to inform and educate the American people. By not revealing the benefits of zero-point energy, it becomes evident that the News Media is financed and controlled by the MIC, a shadow government that intends to maintain its power and wealth by keeping ZPE secret and continue use of bio and nuclear fuels.

Since the joint study of UFOs by American and German scientists after WWII, it has been over 70 years that the MIC has retrieved UFOs and interfaced with extraterrestrial beings. In hundreds of deep underground top-secret compartments, military officers, scientists, aerospace engineers, biologists, physicists, and psychologists were employed and warned to maintain secrecy in the development of zero-point energy.

The MIC Has Built Interstellar Flying Objects Since the Late 1950s

Today, unknown by the public due to national media control by the MIC, the U.S. military is able to dominate earth’s outer space with Intergalactic Flying Object (IFO) technology.  In 2014, Mark McCandlish, an accomplished aerospace illustrator, gave testimony at the Secret Space Program Conference in San Francisco where he revealed that the U.S. military not only has developed operational antigravity, but has for many years, developed and engineered zero-point energy that propels IFOs over the past 50 years.  An IFO and description of its components is provided by Mark McCandlish in the article:

An illustration of an IFO by Mark is featured above.

Most news media intellectuals are informed and knowledgeable of the benefits of ZPE.   Surely, they would strongly reveal the benefits of ZPE to people around the world.  But what is the problem, what stifles their ability to educate people worldwide about the benefits of zero-point energy?  Could it be that their voices are stifled because the News Media is financed and controlled by the CIA that performs all undercover activities for the Military Industrial Complex?

The answer is an affirmative yes. Zero-point energy technology is the greatest invention of our era that offers the reality of space travel and world peace. But this reality threatens the military-industrial complex ability from controlling the U.S. economy and wealth.

The Fake News Media is Controlled by the MIC

The power of Fake News Media to disseminate disinformation and corrupt political views is clearly evidenced by over 95 percent negative coverage of Present Trump in spite of his successes in raising the U.S. economy and increasing jobs across the country. News media power to shape the minds of people is apparent for they have successfully convinced millions of Americans that UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors are a hoax.

It is remarkable that Mark Levin, a man of extraordinary intelligence has not broached the benefits of ZPE technology to his audience. There is no question that our greatest and brightest minds on TV shows and other media are fearful of being fired if they are outspoken about ZPE.

They are silenced by a shadow government, namely, the military-industrial complex, which has undermined our democracy and rule of law to the extent that, over the period of 70 plus years, many of its members have been threatened and murdered by the CIA, FBI and DIA government agencies to keep their covert operations secret.

These unlawful and corrupt actions are tantamount to criminal offenses that can only be forgiven with amnesty granted to all MIC members in exchange for complete disclosure of all UFO developments that has been financed with more than 20 billion tax payer dollars per year.

This author apologizes to Mark Levin for having brought up his name regarding the MIC for he has the courage to speak out for the welfare of the American people. To find if other news media hosts and commentators avoided reporting the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials, an internet search of news hosts and government officials that could have reported ZPE by the MIC came up with no hits.

It is apparent that the MIC is highly successful silencing TV, movie productions, scientific journals, and news media preventing them to inform and educate the public about extraterrestrials and zero-point energy.

A Call to All People To Achieve A Better World and Visit the Universe

In one to two decades, will people worldwide successfully get the MIC to disclose zero-point energy so that humanity will be ready to embrace Extraterrestrial beings that have evolved thousands of years ahead of ours and join a new era of galactic contact in the universe?

A scientific, philosophical presentation of the beginning of the universe, the phenomenon of Consciousness, the existence of Extraterrestrials, and need for disclosure of two of the greatest technological discoveries of our era that will eliminate climate change and usher humanity into the wonders of our universe are provided in the paper,

Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe also exists in book form and can be freely accessed from the website:

Iran Politics Club: Nicholas Ginex Book: Everything has a Beginning, Even Universe

We owe it to our loved ones and for generations to follow to make a better world by sharing the information in this paper with as many people as possible.